Was Heisst Geliebteste Stories

348,581 results
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Jesus Mädchen

by studium on Aug 4, 2014
Non-English (dated)

Fussgänger Zone. Die freie christliche Gmeinde hat einen Stand. Da sind blutjunge natürliche Mädels, bestimmt ohne Verhütung und Jungfrauen. Gerne lasse ich mich anquatschen. Eine blutjunge rothaarige vollbusige Schönheit ungeschminkt, einen weiten Rock und ein nettes T-Shirt spricht mich an. Sie heisst Vanessa und erzählt begeistrt wie Jesus ihr Leben verän...

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Krankenschwester in Ausbildung

by knurpslquorg on Oct 15, 2017

DIESE STORY IST EIGENTLICH VON MACC UND HEISST ST. ANGELA - DAS ORIGINAL FINDET IHR HIER: https://chyoa.com/story/St--Angela.1471 DIESE STORY WIRD BALD GELÖSCHT Danke an Stardust59 für den Hinweis Dr. Arno Gegenbauer, der gut aussehende Assistenzarzt in der Park-Klinik und heimlicher Schwarm aller Schwestern und Pflegeschülerinnen der Abteilung wankt nach e...

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Hübsche Lehrerin wird von Jugendsünden eingeholt

by devotesabrina on Mar 7, 2010
Non-English (dated)

Mein Name ist Tina Baumann ich bin 29jahre alt und bin seit 3 Jahren Lehrerin in einer Berufsschule in der ich nach langem Suchen endlich einen Job gefunden habe. Den Job habe ich meiner Meinung nach nur bekommen weil ich beim Bewerbungsgespräch meine weiblichen Reize eingesetzt habe und der Direktor mich sehr ansprechend findet ich hatte ein enges Figurbeto...

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Rockstar for a Night

by alina78 on Sep 17, 2017
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

Chapter 1: The noise and the heat in Berlin Airport pressed all around me, and I slumped listlessly in my uncomfortable chair. The zipper of my leather jacket dug into my side. I knew my hair was a mess, and last night's eyeliner perfectly complimented my raging hangover. For someone studying health, I thought, I'm doing a wretched job taking care of myself...

Meine Frau der Pornostar

by Troller on Jan 8, 2017
Humor & Satire

Hallo guten Morgen mein Name ist Tim; ich bin 28 und mit Anika verheiratet. Sie ist 21 Wir kennen uns seit locker 15 Jahren, haben vor gut fünf Jahren geheiratet. Bis vor 8 Monaten war alles super, richtig Toll. Das Leben war ein rasende Ritt am flammenden Firmament. Unsere Tochter Jana wird nun auch bald Sechs, sie ist der Grund das Anika und ich so früh ge...

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Beyond Friendship Ch. 01

by buzzed_mba on Sep 14, 2017
Erotic Couplings

First and foremost to my three best friends who are the inspirations behind this story. In my country, there is an old saying: When everyone leaves you in the times of trials and turbulence, you can always rely on two persons- your neighbor and your best friend. This story is all about friendship! Notes from the Author: This is a long story. If you are...

Xander and Carla Wilcox

by PiperHamlin on Dec 24, 2019
Loving Wives

This story is a little different for me. I read other authors for years on this site before I ever wrote my own story to submit. One of those was Matt Moreau. He has a certain stylistic quality to his stories, so much so I consider him to be his own genre. I was fascinated by his use of language and I wanted to try writing a story using that language. I sent...

"Little" Sister Pt. 06

by pocketrocket on Sep 12, 2017
Novels and Novellas

Author's note -- Minimal sex, and nothing graphic. Work. Work. Work. It's what you do when your fiancé is halfway around the world. Chapter 26 -- Hiding in Clouds One nice thing about wealth is the ability to throw money at a problem, til it sinks. From my first meeting in the Nashua Alderman's Board, I had been going slowly crackers. Through long experie...

Amy's Turn

by PickFiction on Apr 13, 2020
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

All of my writing is fiction and the stories and characters are all products of my imagination. They were created for my fun and, hopefully, your enjoyment. Some of the events in the stories are not particularly condoned nor encouraged by the author but are there to create and enhance the story of the imaginary characters and their lives. Comments are always...

Ashley's Fantasies Ch. 05

by cfnflover on Sep 26, 2017
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

I've finally made it to Chapter 5! Just a few comments first. While Chapter 4 had a quieter and more sensuous tone to it, here I try to have tone similar to Chapter 3. The tone is louder and rowdier, although I think not as much so as Chapter 3. There are also multiple occasions where Ashley is pushed into orgasm instead of just one buildup. Next, I tried to...