Tata Yvana Boutique Des Jouet Pour Adulte Stories

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Cree ta propre shemale

by Yukïo on Oct 5, 2015

Un homme dans la rue vous as aborde. Il vous a donne un papier avec une adresse, vous etes curieux n'ayant pas compris ce qu'il vous voulait. Une fois arrive a l'adresse vous entre. C'est une boutique plutot classique. Vous approche la vendeuse et lui donner le papier. Elle vous explique que vous avez ete choisis pour tester une machine unique. Vous allez t...

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Le Génie

by yeojyeoj53 on Feb 23, 2021

Je m'appelle Nicolas, j'ai 26 ans et je suis vendeur dans une boutique de souvenirs pour touristes. Après mon master de littérature, pas intéressé par l'enseignement et la recherche, il était difficile de trouver du boulot dans ma "branche", alors - après quelques quelques tentatives professionnelles infructueuses dans le milieu de l'édition de réc...

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Addicted to Attention Ch. 11

by Barbara on Sep 14, 2017
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

Kent arrived, remaining dressed as we sat down to talk. Des, Ken and Cathy had gone to Lakeside to take charge of the small crowd expected that evening. I was always naked at home and I sat opposite to him, with my knees further apart than usual, in the way I had been instructed would please him. We talked for four hours, sipping coffee occasionally, speakin...

Addicted to Attention Ch. 09

by Barbara on Sep 14, 2017
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

Kent had refurbished the entire room since they had bought the bungalow. Rick and Kent were standing near the far wall, wearing tight leather trousers and open shirts, with medallions hanging over their chests. Margaret was seated on the floor at Kent's feet, naked like Monique and also displaying breast and genital jewellery. I recovered my wits and I nervo...

Mistress Barbara Ch. 02

by Barbara on Sep 15, 2017
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

It had been time consuming in the spare spaces between modelling assignments and training Melissa and her group in BDSM etiquette as well as water-skiing and business management. We had regular nights where I would check and advise on their progress in lingerie sales and encourage their business skills, particularly Tony whose building construction staff had...

Addicted to Attention Ch. 04

by Barbara on Sep 14, 2017
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

I rang the quietly spoken man who had offered Cathy and I a job prior to the long weekend as soon as Des and Ken left for their work on Monday morning. His offer to employ us both for a full day's work sounded wonderful and we needed all the money we could gather in, especially now. When the men weren't thinking about their favourite past-time lately, the ta...

Petites histoires horrifiques...

by Tarham on Jun 1, 2012
Non-English (dated)

Bonjour, et si on jouait à un jeu ? Un jeu de rôle où vous seriez le scénariste et le réalisateur d’un film de série B. Votre producteur ne vous a donné qu’une seule obligation : il faut que ce soit un film d’horreur comme ils plaisent tant à la jeunesse décérébrée de notre époque. Et il a également précisé qu’il comptait sur « l’érotisme » de votre scénario...

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Addicted to Attention Ch. 05

by Barbara on Sep 14, 2017
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

Thursday morning, we dressed and went over to the boutique to meet Kent at 11am. as arranged. He had prepared a contract for us to peruse, outlining the new arrangement fully, as I had requested. Kent had been considering hiring ladies to promote his products, but seemed happy to have this business arrangement with Cathy and myself. He designed the products...

Les vacances familiales infernales de Lisa Simpson

by bungakawa2011 on Dec 19, 2011
Humor & Satire

"Je dois y aller, maman, sinon je vais manquer le train. D'accord, d'accord, Lisa. On se revoit demain matin. Lisa ? Oui maman ? Quelle grosseur ?" Lisa soupira. "Maman, tu sais que je n'aime pas trop discuter de ça... Quelle grosseur, Lisa ?" ... Gros comment, maintenant ? Je... je ne sais pas vraiment. Tu sais, c'est du su...

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Addicted to Attention Ch. 08

by Barbara on Sep 14, 2017
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

Lakeside was a hive of activity as alterations were made, signs were written and preparations underway for the 'Nostalgia' evening. Gerald advised and helped too. I hadn't ever seen such enthusiasm in his demeanour and he started earlier and worked even later than he normally did. Our younger friends came during the week, as they took their summer holidays...