Special Needs Sex Stories Stories

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How to Create Some Special Effects

by SunrockSin on Sep 1, 2017
How To

Like my earlier article, How to Record a Text with Audio Story, this article is primarily geared to those new to recording Text with Audio stories for Literotica or those not very familiar with Sound Recorder. Sound Recorder is limited in what it can do and certainly has few of the special effects and other capabilities that many other sound and recording so...

Cindy’s Imaginary Friend

by The_Technician on Sep 16, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

This is not your typical incubus story. But then, this story did not come about in a typical way. I normally see a story in my mind, flesh it out as it plays through my mind several times, and then write it out. This story would not do that. It remained jumbled and kept going down what were apparently dead ends. Then I realized that what I was seeing in my...

My Daughter in Law

by Amy0103 on Sep 12, 2017
Erotic Couplings

I have been an avid reader of erotica on the Internet and have learned many things from reading about other individuals sexual experiences. I have read stories about oral sex, anal sex, cyber and phone sex and many stories about masturbation. The one thing that I have enjoyed the most about all of the stories is that sex is in the eyes and mind of the partic...

Elements of Literary Erotica

by sr71plt on Sep 16, 2017
How To

Although there is no requirement to strive for the literary in writing erotica, if you wish to do so, and want to do so well, I think there are several elements you need to build into your story (which ain't easy). What is discussed here probably isn't a definitive list and may be an arguable list, but if the highlighting of these evokes thought or discussio...

Literotica Authors: HeyAll

by Bob_Aganoush on Dec 16, 2017
Letters & Transcripts

I am conducting a series of interviews with authors on Literotica. This is the fourth in the series, my first with a male author, HeyAll . I have reached out to a variety of authors, some of who have been on the site for a while, others who are newer, but all write stories that I admire. I hope you enjoy the series, please feel free to send me your feedback,...

JACKL Inc. Ch. 00 - Prologue

by HankDolworth on Sep 14, 2020
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Author's Note I'm posting this prologue as a guide for readers new to primarily my older work. It's a pretty big ask to expect readers to go back and read a novel to understand a lot of story, lore, characters and details. I hope this helps to set the stage. A special thank you to Pope1944 for reading and editing, as well as encouraging this prologue. I wi...

Literotica Interview with HeyAll

by HeyAll on Nov 2, 2020
Letters & Transcripts

In 2017, I did an interview with the great Bob_Aganoush. You can find that interview in his profile along with his stories. As of August 2020, I've updated my answers because I felt I could give more clarity on things. So, here you go, dear readers. Is there anything about you and your background, beyond what is in your Literotica profile, that you would...

Zach Ch. 01: Discovering His Powers

by ZachDocEight on Nov 1, 2017
Erotic Couplings

Thoughts on the vulva and labia and vagina. I'm introducing my main story character, Zach, and how he got his special abilities with women. But first a few things; I write these sexual FANTASY stories because they pour out of my imagination. I appreciate that various Literotica readers enjoy my stories. But I am not writing to please or satisfy critics....

Slirpuff Answered

by fencer24 on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

Slirpuff had an essay titled Please Tell Me They're Not Real in which he reviewed the many variations of loving wife stories and his objections to them. I would like to present another perspective for comparison. Not saying that I am right or that he is wrong, just something else to consider. But first, a little bit about me so you can understand where I am...

The Anniversary Continues

by CharlieB4 on Sep 16, 2017

A massive thanks to texancowgirl for editing This follows on from an earlier story The Anniversary Weekend so it makes more sense if you read it first but I think it could be read independently. I heard the door slam shut just as I got out of the bathroom still struggling to get my dress on. I went to the bed got my shoes and made a be...