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Literotica: Feedback and Conduct

by TwistedPlayr on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

***I hope that I do not offend any of the readers on Literotica who take the time to vote and leave feedback on the stories they read, be they named or anonymous.*** I have been writing for over ten years, and posting to Literotica for almost two. Before I posted my stories to Literotica, I posted them to ASSTR (Newsgroup erotica repository). Throughout all...

Sex Stories on the Internet

by H. Jekyll on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

Sex Stories on the Internet: The First Twenty or so Years H. Jekyll February 2, 2008 One might wonder how sex stories grew so quickly on the Internet. Not sex, per se, pictures or videos of amazing acts, but stories, which take enormous time to write and edit, and time to read. And that pay so poorly -- for the most part not at all. Free sex stories have...

Anna's Inspiration

by flirtyskirt on Sep 14, 2017
Group Sex

It really did start out being another typical workout at the gym. I had an extremely hectic day at work so when I got home, I quickly peeled out of my work clothes and into my workout clothes. Some days I'll put a little extra effort into what I wear. Maybe a pair of tighter shorter shorts or maybe a shirt that's just a wee bit smaller than the others. I'v...


by XXscribbler on Mar 28, 2018
Erotic Couplings

Pamela climbed the stairs from the dressing room to the main gym with anticipation: she always enjoyed her late-evening exercise, it was her relaxation and meditation time. This had been an awfully tense day at work, so tonight there would be no weight-machines, just a long ride on the semi-recumbent Exercycle, then a thorough stretch. She scanned the room:...

Literotica Authors 08: Ann Douglas

by Bob_Aganoush on Dec 23, 2017
Letters & Transcripts

I am conducting a series of interviews with authors on Literotica. This is the eighth in the series, with the author Ann Douglas. I've been reading Ann's work for literally decades, back to the days when she was posting stories on the Usenet group, but she has recently returned to Literotica and has been posting her stories here. I've been a...

Game Of Love Ch. 07

by crystal95 on Sep 18, 2017
Interracial Love

I've been waiting. Plotting the day I could implement my revenge on the people who put me in that hellhole. My bitch of an ex wife is the first on my list. If it weren't for her slut ass, I never would have been put in that rotten place to begin with. And if that bastard do gooder and his whore hadn't interfered, Susan and her little brat would be long gone...

Sharon's Ranch

by JonahanSweat on Sep 14, 2017
Erotic Couplings

Jay perused brothels in Nevada on the internet, and settled on Sharon's Ranch, just outside of Las Vegas. He picked out Amy because she was beautiful and was willing to do everything he could think of. He also arranged for a second girl, Dominique, to join them latter in the visit. The whole extended weekend cost $15,000. He bought some 5 mg and 20 mg Cialis...

Why I Give Head

by StressingAsian on Sep 13, 2017
Reviews & Essays

From a very early stage in my sexual development, I knew that when I got serious about boys I should be a fellatiator. (MS Word is angrily insisting that "fellatiator" is not a word, but if Colbert is allowed "truthiness" as his defining characteristic then I can take fellatiator as mine.) Between the ages of about sixteen and nineteen I tried to abandon thi...

Couples' Life Altering Cruise Ch. 02

by ytreeman on Sep 16, 2017
Loving Wives

Generally afternoon naps can be rated between good and exceptional. Today's nap was better than exceptional. We both took long soaking baths albeit in a very small tub, but it was perfectly relaxing. With the veranda doors open and the cabin filled with a salt water air and the sun casting the ships shadow on the ocean to the east all was good. Because we ha...

Hungry For Vixen

by HungryGuy on Sep 2, 2017
Erotic Couplings

AUTHORS NOTES: This is essentially a true story of how Vixen and I hooked up for a few hours of casual sex after she asked me to run her personal ad on my ASSTR site. Some details have been made up or exaggerated for the sake of the story, some of the awkward and clumsy things have been deleted that occur when two people who just met for the first time have...