Short Smut Stories

190,154 results
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The Art of Writing Smut

by Boxlicker101 on Sep 14, 2017
How To

Writing smut, like any other kind of writing, takes a certain amount of skill and knowledge. Some writing skills are not required, such as establishing characters or plot development, because the only thing the dedicated readers of smut care about is graphic sex, and the more detailed it is, the better. Character is less important than the sizes of his cock...

Choose Your Own Smut-venture

by Disneyfan1234 on Jan 3, 2019
Fan Fiction

Welcome to Choose Your Own Smut. This story is going to be modeled like a choose your own adventure book, but instead of adventure, you'll find smut. Lots of smut. Enjoy.What's next? Doctor Who Marvel DC I’m a guy What's next? Doctor Who Marvel DC I’m a guy...

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Like Magic

by Orange man on Dec 25, 2019

Merry Christmas, my fellow smut lovers! It's that time of the year when Santa plays peeping Tom on us, under the pretense of giving free gifts. Yeah, ya ain't fooling anyone, SANTA!. This is a story that got stuck in my head and refused to leave until I let it out the only I know how that is not having sex... Writing smut. I hope you enjoy this and enjoy the...

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News of My Suicide is Exaggerated

by MungoParkIII on Sep 14, 2017
Reviews & Essays

There I was opening my email when I spotted one, Literotica: Feedback for.... Even though I didn't know what the feedback was for I opened the email. It was from a person named Anonymous, a name I'd seen around before, a name I had seen a lot. Yes, of course, Anonymous comments on stories, he or she comments on a lot of stories. While I am often confused at...

Dragon Age: Sex & Violence

by ARavingLooony on Mar 2, 2018

A/N: Be warned! there may be the occasional bad end/game over chapter in the story where either the protagonist, protagonist's party member(s) or NPC(s) die. Said chapters may just involve the character(s) dying and it may include some smut too (no necrophilia tho cuz eww, seriously) so its up 2 u whether u wanna read it. I will put in capital letters for th...

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Art of Erotica

by Quint on Sep 19, 2017
How To

You and I are here for a reason: smut. I write it, you read it; maybe you write some of your own as well, you poor masochist. Smut is a good thing: it lets us live our naughtiest fantasies without fear, effort, or the money it would take to get a girl to let us do THAT to her. It makes us happy. And, of course, it makes us horny and hopefully aids in the rel...

Trouble Maker Ch. 06

by FreeTheDancingLlamas on Apr 20, 2020

Chapter 6: Prayer Club ———— Unsurprisingly on Friday morning I'm not functional. I'm tired and exhausted from my emotional outburst and my mood is at an all time low. It must be a miracle but I manage to drag myself out of the house and to school. Home doesn't feel safe right now and I don't trust myself to be there. Besides, I don't want Kate to be su...

Waking Up Tiefling Ch. 01

by Whitehawk748 on Mar 3, 2020
Transgender & Crossdressers

A/N: This is a fantasy story first, smut second, though I'm fairly certain there will be a lot of smut. That means there will be things dying, getting their heads caved in, blown up etc. Obviously I won't do that during smut cuz ew, but it will happen. Be aware. Also, there will be magic and shit so don't expect everything to be 'realistic' though I'm not go...

Doing the PWP One-shot

by MorganHawke on Sep 1, 2017
How To

"...doing a big long multi-chaptered story intimidates the hell out of me. I'd love to do a PWP (Porn Without Plot) one-shot, but I'm afraid of messing it up. Is there an easy way to do it?"-- Wanna Write some SMUT So you wanna do it quick and dirty? Okay, first you need a sex scene. No really...! Think of what kind of sex you want FIRST. The sex is what's...

GSR Float with Whipped Cream On Top

by PiperGrissom on Sep 17, 2017
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

A Smut Fest Entry! Written by The WolvGambit and PiperGrissom. We hope you enjoy this lovely bit of smutty goodness. Poor Grissom in my closet...wait, NVM :P -WG Grissom isn't mine either, damnit-PG Here are the challenge and the prompts: Hey GSR lovers! I have a special Valentines Day FF Challenge. I want a story of the very 1st Valentines Day AFTER our...