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An Essay for Life

by sack on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

Note: The following essay is one I read every morning, right before my 15 minute daily meditation. It was written to help me overcome the tough points in my life, as there have unfortunately been many. I also wrote this piece to give me confidence about my writing ability, and have used analogies concerning Literotica whenever appropriate. I am sharing this...

Letting Go of Yesterday Ch. 01

by drewservlette on Apr 3, 2018

This is my first posting in this forum. I hope this story will continue through to completion. Please be patient with me as I am new to this. This story is about Dominance and Submission. If you do not like this topic, please look elsewhere for your reading pleasure. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or matters where you feel I may be of as...

A Philosophy of Porn

by Christian Black on Sep 14, 2017
Reviews & Essays

I love sex, but for the most part, I hate pornography. As a cinematic and literary genre, porno is to sex as the romance genre is to love. That is to say, each takes an amazingly complex subject and reduces it to a series of simple-minded cliches. Worse than this, pornography robs sex not only of its complexities, but also of its beauty. Porn is ugly. It ref...


by Mr.B. on Jul 30, 2014

Welcome. CHYOA is a site dedicated to interactive adult fiction. It offers an interactive story-telling environment where readers determine the outcome of the stories by choosing which path to follow every time they are given a choice. This guide will help you understand how the site works and the rules to follow, especially if you are interested in writing...

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How to Ethically Compete: Survivor

by Zrnko_Pisku on Sep 1, 2017
How To

As the year closes the air is filled with jingling bells, Christmas music and the incessant drone of whining. Much like the commercial where after losing a video game on his phone a competitor says, "I like to win," to which an older lady sitting nearby replies, "You like to whine," the Survivor Forum is filled with whining. Echoing through the great halls o...

Survivor: A Tool For Writers

by RedHairedandFriendly on Sep 1, 2017
How To

This is not a How To on how to win the Literotica contest, Survivor. It's a How To on how to use this year long contest as a writing tool. First, like many submissions that discuss the contest, I'll give you a brief recap of what Survivor is, but unlike some of the previous stories from previous writers, I am not going through all the rules. Though I will di...

Literotica Authors: HeyAll

by Bob_Aganoush on Dec 16, 2017
Letters & Transcripts

I am conducting a series of interviews with authors on Literotica. This is the fourth in the series, my first with a male author, HeyAll . I have reached out to a variety of authors, some of who have been on the site for a while, others who are newer, but all write stories that I admire. I hope you enjoy the series, please feel free to send me your feedback,...

A Quiet Little Town

by spentbob on Mar 29, 2011

(If you enjoy this story please consider leaving a comment saying what it was you liked, or would like to see more of. Feedback really encourages writers to add more threads!) You are Bob, a freelance journalist, scraping a living writing terrible pieces for the worst magazines, tabloids and websites. When you started out you had dreams to making your name b...

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Confessions from a Secretive Wife

by dateingagain on Dec 3, 2018
Erotic Couplings

June and I met in a least likely location on the other side of the world. To say without disclosing the real location, it was in Germany back in the mid seventies and I was attending a French Military training course and she attended a get together sponsored by the school, it was what is called a hail and farewell. I was invited due to my linguistic abilitie...

Pari & Hitesh

by 8inchesofsalaami on Sep 16, 2017

Pari and Hitesh had known each other for many years - a decade, give or take. Their association began through the world of cyberspace, like any normal modern day relationship. It started off innocuously enough. A few minutes on messenger, a couple of posts on a public forum, etc. Before they knew it, they had started spending hours together online, sometimes...