Sex Audio Stories Stories

240,093 results
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How to Create Some Special Effects

by SunrockSin on Sep 1, 2017
How To

Like my earlier article, How to Record a Text with Audio Story, this article is primarily geared to those new to recording Text with Audio stories for Literotica or those not very familiar with Sound Recorder. Sound Recorder is limited in what it can do and certainly has few of the special effects and other capabilities that many other sound and recording so...

How To Win the Survivor Contest

How To

It's easy and it's fun! "Easy! Well, kind of, not really, not at all. But, it's fun! Well, kind of, not really, not at all." This being my second year competing in Literotica's year long Survivor Contest, I have learned a few things about the Survivor's Contest necessary to win or, at the very least, place in the money. I like the Survivor Contest for two...

Literotica Monthly Awards 2020: April

by Literotica on Jul 14, 2020
Erotic Couplings

Manu and I would like to thank all the authors who submitted during the month, and all the other months for that matter! We've tallied the reader's votes, and are happy to announce the winners of April Reader's Choice Awards. First Place ($150 Cash Prize Winner):The Rask Rebellion by SnekguySecond Place ($100 Cash Prize Winner):Matchmaker 03: March by Sanit...

Literotica Monthly Awards 2020: May

by Literotica on Jul 15, 2020

Manu and I would like to thank all the authors who submitted during the month, and all the other months for that matter! We've tallied the reader's votes, and are happy to announce the winners of May's Reader's Choice Awards. First Place ($150 Cash Prize Winner):'Twas The Night Before... Ch. 02 by BrokenSpokesSecond Place ($100 Cash Prize Winner):Succubus A...

Literotica Monthly Awards 2020: June

by Literotica on Oct 5, 2020
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

Manu and I would like to thank all the authors who submitted during the month, and all the other months for that matter! We've tallied the reader's votes, and are happy to announce the winners of June's Reader's Choice Awards. First Place ($150 Cash Prize Winner):All That Glitters Ch. 17 by bigtddybrSecond Place ($100 Cash Prize Winner):Martha's Second Chan...

Our Vision

by MrLightningStar on May 13, 2020
Reviews & Essays

If we reeeally take a look at the history of the world... Erotica has always been at the forefront of art's beginnings in every culture's rise. From Bawdy folk songs, Egyptian erotic poetry, Ancient Greek sculptures, to Renaissance paintings, to Japanese woodblock canvases - it's even in the Bible! Go read Songs of Solomon! Today, we have the biggest and...

Literotica Monthly Awards 2020: February

by Literotica on Jul 14, 2020
Erotic Couplings

Manu and I would like to thank all the authors who submitted during the month, and all the other months for that matter! We've tallied the reader's votes, and are happy to announce the winners of February's Reader's Choice Awards. First Place ($150 Cash Prize Winner):The Beast by Averagejoe1992Second Place ($100 Cash Prize Winner):Watershed by onehitwandaT...

How to I-Phone Your Text with Audio

by Zrnko_Pisku on Sep 1, 2017
How To

Over the years in submitting stories to Literotica and competing in their Survivor Contest I have noticed that, except for a few gifted writers, the Text with Audio and Poetry with Audio categories have been avoided. This was especially true in the Survivor Contest where I watched contestants sweat out the weekly lottery in the UK hoping to get the two covet...

DEV For Men: An Orgasm Experience

by smotp on Sep 25, 2017
Text With Audio

This Directed Erotic Visualisation Experience is for Men WickedVoyce -- Narration Smotp with WickedVoyce -- Script Smotp - Production DEV BY Smotp© Nearly 60,000 people have taken a look at the first two DEV Audio experiences which were designed for women and quite a few men requested that I create something for them. This is a hetero experience as a f...

Love Your Readers: Categories

by Tx Tall Tales on Dec 9, 2019
How To

============================ Help Your Readers. Categorized Your Story Correctly. In Love Your Readers, I wrote about things you do to improve the reading experience for your readers. In Love Your Readers: Categories, I'd like to share my ideas on making it easier for the readers to decide to give your stories a read, by placing it in the right category....