Sere Stories Stories

58,297 results
Infinite Scroll

Almost Kidnapped Pt. 01

by OldBrigantine on Dec 8, 2017

This is my very first story I've ever written since my 80's Freshman-Comp class. I'm an Engineer so I tend to be techno/detailed, hope it does not distract from the story too much. Some of the items in the story are real, some embellished, and some fantasy, I'll let you try to figure them out. This story first started out as a L-BTB and morphed into what you...

Missing Pieces

by RedHairedandFriendly on Sep 16, 2017
Interracial Love

Author's Note: The names of these places exist, but I made up the characters using a baby-name list and a surname list, so my characters are just a work of fiction. I hope you love the story and leave a comment if you do. Thank you to Tseranc for helping with editing. As always, have fun. ~ Red * The sun shown down on the lone man walking Kalalau Trail. He...

The Unit: Permissive Environment

by VodouBlue on Sep 17, 2017
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

NOTE 1: 2IC = second-in-command. NOTE 2: SERE = "Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape." This is the special training for 'high risk of capture' military personnel. SPOILERS: Season 1 ep. "Non Permissive Environment" * Bob Brown found himself in an unimaginable predicament. It stretched his acting abilities to pretend he was enjoying the old man's se...

The Special Forces Training Cycle

by acarr on Aug 7, 2018
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

The Special Forces Training Cycle Introduction In the last few years the training and deployment of Female Special Forces Operators has been a reality for the various combat theatres. It is very well documented and widely known that many of the Wars of days gone past that Women on the front is an asset as in many cases they are not suspected for the acts o...


by JCSTREET on Sep 14, 2017
Erotic Couplings

I'm standing in the arrivals lobby of Dublin airport; waiting for a woman I haven't seen for 23 years. I have jelly legs and dizzy spells. I have flights of fancy and fugues. I don't know what I'm doing here. I don't know who called this meeting. I can't even remember what I'm doing in this country. I know she's coming. It would too late to walk away. I'm s...

La partita

by SeriousBrainDamage on Mar 12, 2018
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

La strada scorreva liscia sotto le ruote della Ypsilon nera. Non c'era fretta, ma Carolina aveva sempre avuto il piede pesante ed in più era una che detestava anche solo l'idea di arrivare in ritardo. Figurarsi poi alla sua prima partita ufficiale. All'orizzonte dense nubi grige si addensavano coprendo a tratti il sole, forse avrebbe piovuto, ma sperava che...

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Camp Mackall Ch. 01

by JimmyCutlass on Sep 14, 2017
Erotic Couplings

I had just finished a 1 year assignment with the Department of Justice. I was still in the Army, but I had been working with the DOD, CIA, FBI, the Secret Service, and military Special Forces units. Full disclosure, I personally have never been Special Forces, I only worked with them. Of course what I was doing is still classified, but the Pentagon decided t...

Fisherman's Tail

by FWVonsteuben on Sep 16, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

I fish because I love to because I love the environs where trout are found which are invariably beautiful; because , my fishing is at once an endless source of delight and an act of small rebellion; because only in the woods can I find solitude without loneliness; because bourbon out of an old tin cup always tastes better out there; because maybe one day I w...

God Laughs Ch. 05

by napalminthemorning on May 8, 2018
Chain Stories

Chapter five: This is a chain story written by Jezzaz, Todd172, Stev2244, Harddaysknight, Girlinthemoon, Qhml1, Oshaw and blackrandl1958. One different author wrote each chapter in this story, building on the work of the preceding author. We are submitting one chapter each day until the story is finished. We would like for you, the readers, to see if you ca...

Kiss Of A Rose

by sojournerwolf on Sep 12, 2017

Clothed in only the moonlight streaming through her window, Shelli drowsily rolls over onto her belly, nestling pillows beneath her. The breeze that caresses her flutters through the curtains above the bed like a lover's whisper and carries faintly a hint of the fragrances from the flowers in full bloom, the rose garden that is her pride and joy, even a...