Selena Gomez Sex Stories Stories

238,941 results
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Lesbian MILF Seductress: Pop Star

by silkstockingslover on Sep 26, 2017
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

Summary: Bree earns backstage tickets to a Selena Gomez concert and... Note 1: Thanks to Jedd for inspiring the story. Note 2: All characters are at least 18, yada, yada, yada. Note 3: In this story I bandy about the names of a number of real-life celebrities, and Bree gets intimate with Selena Gomez herself. In case it needs saying, this is all done fict...

Celebrity Bondage

by Grimm05 on Feb 21, 2021

Female Celebrities both past and present have found themselves in a state of bondage. Who has done this to them? Was it of their own accord or the will of others? Is some higher being responsible for the celebrity’s current state of restraint or perhaps there is a supernatural aspect was involved? Are they the captive of some perverted wish made by a horny f...

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Desperate Demi

by MTL17 on Sep 26, 2017
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

Demi Lovato hadn't been alone in a room with Selena Gomez for years. It felt like several lifetimes, and in a way it was. They both weren't the little girls who swore they would be best friends forever. Now those little girls were gone, in the place two 'adults' who were strangers to each other. It was her younger self's worst nightmare come true, and when...

Sex-Ed for Dummies - Lesson 09

by Slyguy1313 on Nov 4, 2019
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. It did not/will not happen in real life and should not be mistaken as such. Author's Note: Thanks to MrMaxLord for the celebrity instructor suggestion! Lesson #9: Exhibitionism Starring Selena Gomez Codes: MF, Oral, Public ***** "Guys and gals, welcome! Welcome back to another exciting installment of Sex-Ed For Du...

Become a Celebrity

by janedoe12 on Mar 20, 2018
Fan Fiction

A dream, a weird one... Scilent whisper rolls through your mind as you slightly open your eyes. A beam of light blinds you. -Pick one, but pick wisely...- you hear the wisper say as multiple names come to your mind... You concentrate on one...What's next? Selena Gomez What's next? Selena Gomez...

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The Perks of Being a Podcaster Pt. 06

by MrMaxLord on Sep 24, 2018
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

All of the following is complete and total fiction. Not a single word of it occurred, nor would it. Perks of Being a Podcaster by MrMaxLord (MF, oral, cons) Chapter 6: Selena Gomez ***** Throughout the years of doing the show, we've had a lot of guests who come back frequently. Obviously Liz and Ashley fall into that category. There are a few others. A...

Selena gomez & Megan fox

by Scottytexx on Feb 15, 2017
Fan Fiction

If any one has any sexy lesbian Selena Gomez stories feel free to post them Selena wasn’t worried about the Teen Choice Awards. Years ago, before her career had taken off, before Wizards of Waverly Place, maybe walking the red carpet might have made her nervous. But she’d been different then–less confident, less sure of herself. Now, she stepped out of her l...

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Private Lives of Celebrities

by dreamgiver7 on Mar 17, 2019
Fan Fiction

Queue Jazzy Theme Music from the 70s “Welcome to the latest episode of YouTube’s newest sensation… Private Lives of Celebrities!! The show that dares to ask the most personal questions of your favorite Hollywood stars. These interviews are so intimate and so private in nature that sometimes we have to turn the cameras off in order to learn the real answers....

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Desperate Demi Ch. 02

by MTL17 on Sep 26, 2017
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

Demi Lovato was practically shaking with nervousness and excitement. Mostly she was excited, but there was some small part of her afraid she was getting 'Punked' or something, as this was pretty much everything she'd ever wanted. Well, she still wished she was the one dating her childhood best friend, but becoming her bitch was almost just as good, Demi una...

Taylor's Southern Soirée Ch. 06

by DarkSwordsmanReturns on Nov 4, 2019
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

Carrie Underwood crossed the luxury penthouse suite and opened the door. Stood patiently in the hallway were six young African Americans; each one bigger, burlier and blacker than the last. Some wore tight white tank tops, others sported Memphis Grizzlies jerseys; the sleeveless garments showing off their impressive bulk and considerable musculature. Bicep...