Porn Stories Wife's Hid Dates Tags Stories

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I Didn't Know I Wanted It Pt. 01

by richard3cm on Nov 1, 2017
Loving Wives

I Didn't Know What I Wanted Until I Got It—Part One This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and locations are made up. This is not about me or my wife. To save anonymous commenters some time and trouble: 1. The tags for this story are swingers, creampie, creampie eating, chastity, party, cuckold. 2. The Literotica definition of Loving Wives is...

Story Tags - Additional Tips

by DarkUniverse on Aug 31, 2017
How To

Dear Writers: Yes, I agree - there are already How-To-Guides written about Story Tags and they're really great with plenty of examples (advice here -- you should definitely read them in the FAQ section). So why another one? There are two important things missing or that have not been highlighted enough, which you should also keep in mind when choosing the...

Author Interview: edrider73

by Literoticauthor on Apr 15, 2020
Reviews & Essays

Note from Literoticauthor I'm posting this interview for multiple interviewers, listed below. If there's a Literotica author you'd like to know more about, you should contact the author and ask for an interview. Chances are other followers of the author will be interested. Submit the interview and make one of your tags "author interview." Let me know via...

Forever Love Forgotten Ch. 05

by DirtyStoryWhisperer on Mar 12, 2019

Diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, George forget his wife, his children, and his grandchildren. Continued from Chapter 04: She paused as if thinking what she was going to say next. Then before asking him and interrogating him, she looked at him with renewed sexual arousal. As if she was imagining him with her sister, she continued masturbating herself whi...

Innocent Wife on New Year's Eve

by altego on Jun 4, 2019
Loving Wives

One of my readers shared this story with me and asked if I would write an accounting of it for him and his wife. He specifically requested that I use real names, though only the first ones. Please note that this story contains subject matter related to cheating wives, wife watching, voyeurism, and group sex. If such material offends you, then you have been...

Memoir of a Young Mistress Pt. 20

by FunWhileItLasted on Sep 15, 2017

It was the first day of Spring, and Emily was excited. Her parents had told her that since she was enrolling in the local college soon, she would need a car. They had promised to help her look on the first day of spring. Several phone calls and test drives later, Emily was ecstatic to be backing out of her parents' driveway, alone, in her very own car. Noth...

Lisa Led Astray Ch. 03

by NiceNastyMann on Sep 14, 2017

Lisa replies a few days later suggesting a couple of mail box stores in her area, and she includes her various measurements. Her bio is short -- she's a nerd, she's introverted, and it's hard for her to make friends. Her path was high school to college to a good job, and there wasn't a lot of dating for her in any of the three. She thinks she's too plain l...

Pussy, Peckers, and Pizza Ch. 05

by LIVINRFANTASIES on Sep 15, 2017
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

Great Smokey Mountains and Pizza 1971 But first some more useless facts explaining our love for pizza. These stories make it sound as if everyday was sex and games. Far from it. With three kids, working from ten to twelve hour days, school and church events, and life, our games were spread out randomly over the next sixty years. Most of the time we were j...

My Wife's First Date

by jealouscuck on Feb 11, 2019

I was a senior in high school when I met my first real girlfriend, Melanie. Actually we met at a church social. I asked her out the second time I met her and she agreed. Since we had met at church, we naturally assumed the best of each other and we just barely kissed on our first date. We didn't make much progress and sex was not really on the table. We were...

The Prom Night

by Doclube on Sep 13, 2017
Erotic Couplings

It was the day of the prom, both my sons have dates and by 4:00pm the house will be empty except for Karen and I. The thought of having the house to our selves was fantastic. Don't get me wrong, we love our boys whole-heartedly, but it always seems that they would barge into our bedroom at most inopportune times and catch us making love. Twenty years ago thi...