Packaged Stories

1,303 results
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I Have a Crush on You

by KRYSDAN on Sep 14, 2017

It has been three long years since my divorce and three years since I had the pleasure of a woman. But I remember the day she walked into the office, escorted by the Human Resources Manager. Her name was Alicia Rachon, the new Payment Clerk here in my office. Her dark caramel skin was youthful and her smile was pleasant. She was dressed in a simple skirt an...

Hotel Bound Ch. 02

by ladysub on Sep 16, 2017

I awoke to an almost painful pressure in my bladder. Some wicked part of my brain reminded me of the safety releases on the handcuffs, that I could easily go use the bathroom instead of wetting myself, but I knew that my Master would know. I don't know how He would know, but He would. He always knows. Secondary to the discomfort of my bladder was a dull, ach...

The Call Ch. 03

by MANORLORD28 on Sep 12, 2017

Staci was silent as we continued our journey. There was such a look of worship in her eyes towards me when I finally removed her blindfold; I wondered if she would ever speak to me unbidden again. "How do you like your new jewelry?" I asked. It would have been stupid to ask her if she was sore. "They are beautiful. You do not know how much they mean to me,...

Susan Apple Pie Ala Mode

by Clemstra on Aug 18, 2017

copyright 2003 Clemstra "I'm an apple pie," she said to us. "You don't look like an apple pie," I point out. "Well I am, I'm just packaged to look like a woman." I look at the others in the kitchen. "Packaging now a days is remarkable," says another. "Okay, well should you go in the oven to bake then," I ask? "Sure, just remove some of the outer packa...


by 2p1k3 on Jun 26, 2009
Cheating Spouses

Mister Michael Ryan is a football and basketball star from a triple-A High School close to where he grew up. One could easily think people were giving him anything he wants for his success in sports; However, growing up as an orphan for the first seven years of his life taught him there is no such thing as a free lunch. Thus, he did his best to be the one pa...

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The FuckBox

by servitudetome on Apr 20, 2020

I must admit that part of me has always been fascinated with the sight of women packaged or boxed, especially if parts of them are exposed. I think it is something about taking away the identity of the person and the focus is solely on their sex. So I decided I would crate up my girlfriend and make my own fuckbox. To save time and to get a better quality...

Whizzper's Tales

by whizzper on Jan 18, 2008
Erotic Couplings

The open air cafe in central Bogota bustles with the mid day crowd of lunch goers. People walked to and from the counter, along the sidewalk outside, and generally made a lot of noise. In the center of it all sat two figures, a younger nondescript man, and an older man with shades, and a fedora pulled down. Ryan Dexter, not his real name of course, looks at...

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Five Pounds of Condoms

by HughMungus1 on Mar 31, 2020
Humor & Satire

"We live in an age which is so possessed by demons, that soon we shall only be able to do goodness and justice in the deepest secrecy, as if it were a crime." ― Franz Kafka Like whether Michelle Obama's penis is circumcised, it's random rumination you entertain, waiting for a traffic light to turn green. It isn't regular reflection. Such stated, what woul...

Revenge of the Nerd Ch. 48

by rpsuch on Sep 12, 2017

I returned to school a few days before Jeff. He was finishing his work for the summer. I wanted the chance to show him I could be a domestic asset. I quickly realized that as far as cleaning our apartment I had little interest in domestic competence, let alone excellence. I hired a cleaning service to get the place in shape. Food shopping took me almost a...

How To Make Your Own Sex Toys

by vic_elor on Sep 14, 2017
How To

Why buy sex toys at some adult bookstore when you can make them yourself for free? I'll show you, regardless of gender, how to make some fun playthings using fairly simple household items. Male sex toys: A vagina tube: All you need for this snazzy little device is a cardboard tube of some sort, a condom, and some lube if desired. When looking for a tube,...