Omorashi Fiction Stories

27,848 results
Infinite Scroll

Tales from Inryo

by Tsuchigumo550 on Dec 28, 2020

This page serves as a central root from which many one-shots, short stories, and adventures can branch from. The root itself is just to define a starting point, setting details, and main purpose for each tale tied to it. Effectively, this serves as a base-level introduction to the world- the stories themselves do not necessarily need to be read in order, or...

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Das unerträgliche Spiel

by SioDerSio on Aug 25, 2020

Schreckschusswaffe? Check. Kabelbinder? Check. Sturmmaske? Check. Du hast deine wichtigsten Utensilien vorbereitet. Mit zitternden Händen schaltest du den PC aus. Das Bild der Dokumente scheint sich in den Desktop hineingebrannt zu haben, dann verschwindet es und lässt dich mit deinem Spiegelbild zurück. Es wird Zeit. Entweder jetzt oder nie, du kannst die g...

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Night at the Bar

by xinycep1 on Nov 30, 2015

"Hi Gabby," Melissa greets as you walk into the restaurant to join her and several of your other colleagues from your new job. Melissa has graciously invited you to join them for dinner and a local stand-up comedy act, and you've seized the opportunity, hoping it will help you fit in better at the office. You contemplate taking a quick trip to the...

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diaperless days with bladder incontinence

by brain66 on Sep 14, 2020

girls who suffer from bladder incontinence who wear diapers are one day forced into a situation where they have to spend a day or several hours without them will they be able to avoid wetting themselves Feel free to make your own chapters, characters or add to any made ones now then who is the girl who is going to be forced to go without a diaper on today ?W...

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Krieg bleibt immer gleich

by SioDerSio on Jan 4, 2020

*neuster Edit: Diese Geschichte war meine erste und ich wollte mich erstmal ausprobieren. Viele Entscheidungen und Wege kommen deshalb im Nachhinein betrachtet möglicherweise nicht ganz schlüssig daher* OB DEIN ERLEBNIS ROMANTISCH, SEXUELL, FREUNDSCHAFTLICH ODER KINKY WIRD, HÄNGT ALLEIN VON DEINEN ENTSCHEIDUNGEN AB! SPIELE IM GAME MODE FÜR EIN OPTIMAL REALI...

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Ecchi Highschool

by Booo on Dec 5, 2015
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

You have just been given the most amazing gift one can give to a pervert like you from your eccentric grandpa. The gift of making any ecchi scenes that come into your mind a reality. Indeed, as long as you keep this little gem in your pocket, any ecchi scenes you imagine will become real. You are now in the gated entrance to your fancy highschool. It is one...

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A Humiliated Tomboy

by humiliationstation on Feb 19, 2020
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

Alex sat on her bed, playing video games. She was a cute high school senior in a baggy hoodie and basketball shorts, her orange hair cropped at her shoulders. She was sucking at her braces in concentration when she was interrupted by a knock on her bedroom door.What's next? Claire, her bully Her best friends Nate and Jane What's next? Claire, her bully H...

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by Pudding on Jun 6, 2015

Your name is Dane Lauzet and you are an undiagnosed, alcoholic writer with a soft spot for cats. While your writing is not mainstream, it isn't exactly unpopular either. If your name were to be told to a group of people, it's likely that a few of them would know of you or have at least heard of your name somewhere before. You're very satisfied with where you...

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Toilets in an Alternate Reality

by CON2H4 on Oct 17, 2018

You are in a deep dream when suddenly you feel a mysterious presence. You strangely feel at peace, but at the same time vulnerable, eventually this presence speaks. "You Are about to enter an alternate reality that is very different from your own. In your own world, you were raised since around two years old to pee into a strange bowl under a seat like...

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Denial Slut Learns to Cuck Ch. 13

by THEGINGERSLUT on Feb 11, 2019

It seemed like it had been the longest winter ever, but it was finally in the low 70s and the sky was the picturesque blue with billowing white clouds you could almost touch. This weather always brought out my playful side, and I woke up feeling so happy. I had completed my initial morning tasks, given Sir his wake-up blow job, and as he does every Sunday, h...