Nurses Gloves Stories

18,822 results
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Considering a Stay

by dontdoxme47 on Sep 14, 2020

The company you worked with for several years had another round of layoffs. You lost your job three months ago and couldn't find work. The only jobs you could find were low paying, low skill jobs, that you consider yourself overqualified for. Your wife, Heather, still works and is now the breadwinner in the home. You stay home and keep the house clean, the...

Mistress Jones Ch. 02

by TF2123 on Sep 25, 2017

Tuesday went by way too slowly. I was really looking forward to my exam at the nurse's office. Miss Jones wasn't only a science teacher, but she was also the head nurse of the school. The four school nurses were three very attractive young teachers and the school's receptionist, who was a plump woman in her mid-40's, yet still very pretty. I had only been to...

Dear Dirty Diary - The Stress Test

by Adorable Laura on Sep 17, 2017
Loving Wives

Dear Dirty Diary, Friday, October 31st at precisely 6 pm, our doorbell rang. "Trick or Treat," demanded our first Halloween revelers. I thought the two young women, dressed in dark trench coats were a little old for this but when the Russian sounding blond spoke, "Thank you, Laura," I realized it was duty nurse Jennifer and she'd brought an assistant along....

Miguel Goes All The Way

by ColetteJulie on Sep 17, 2017

This is a fictional story. Please let a doctor or other professional do a frenulum piercing, please do not attempt this yourself. ***** Two months after Miguel had last been to the Happy Ending Clinic he was desperate. And a desperate man will go to extremes. The clinic was wonderful and a great stress reliever, but he needed more. He supposed that likes,...

Happy Ending Clinic

by ColetteJulie on Sep 16, 2017

My grateful and sincere thanks to my friend Max Martines for the seed of this story. Thank you for allowing me to take your idea and turn it into something better than I would have done on my own. Te quiero mucho. C ***** I took the day off, I really needed to unwind. I decided to use the day off to indulge in my fetish. No use in taking a day off and not...

A Hospital Visit

by exaltau on Aug 18, 2017

I was admitted to hospital for observation, after being weighed, measured and generally looked over, the nursing sister sat me in a wheel chair and took me to the ward . I was very disorientated and wondered what I was doing here. There were screens around the bed to provide some privacy whilst the rest of my clothes were removed. Instead of pajamas the sist...

The Production Assistant

by Unintentional on Nov 14, 2017
First Time

Tom Briggs was still reeling from the diagnosis his doctor had shared with him a week ago. Cancer. His biggest worries had been whether anyone would go with him to Prom and keeping up his grades for college, and now instead of trips to the beach or movie nights with friends, his only plans were therapy. The doctor had explained the prognosis was excellent an...

Hockey Camp

by jallen944 on Sep 14, 2017

Ethan sat in Dr. Herbert's office waiting room with Mom, feeling terribly embarrassed and ashamed. Had he known he needed to get a physical before going to hockey camp he would have resisted the idea more firmly. He was filled with dread at having to be naked in front of the doctor. Finally they called his name and he walked stiffly through the door, past t...

Ooh Doctor, That Is Cold!

by milkybuns on Sep 19, 2017

I was admitted to the orthopaedic ward of our hospital early one evening, prior to an operation on my back to relieve chronic sciatica. My operation was due two days later but I had to have a scan on my spine the following day. It was my first prolonged stay in hospital so I was slightly surprised to be told by one of the nurses to undress and get into my n...

Thunder and Lightning Ch. 01

by BaldJean on Sep 13, 2017

A crate arrived at the home of Miss Tina. It was unusually large and heavy and had to be carried by four men. When the men had left after she had given them a tip, she opened the lid and beheld quite a sight. Inside were two women tied up in very uncomfortable positions. Their feet, which were dressed in ballerina boots without any heels, were behind their h...