Miranda Stories

1,547 results
Infinite Scroll

Beyond Nocturne Ch. 06

by bluefox07 on Sep 2, 2017
Erotic Horror

"TURNING POINTS" EDITED BY: Miriam Belle CREATIVE CONSULTANT: Simply_Cyn *** Michael and Lydia slowly rounded the corner of the complex, taking great care to be quiet as they neared apartment where Maricel was. It had only been ten minutes since they had both seen the mental image of the creature stalking her. The vision had been violently planted in t...

Harems can be a Pain

by SPARTAN047 on Sep 12, 2017

On request by RealityWarper. This is the best Jinko fanfic I have ever seen. Please make one about a guy trapped in the Jinko Jungle where he is forced to be the husband of multiple Jinkos. No, the femdom story is alright. In fact given how Jinkos are also martial artists on top of their incredible strength, it would be kinda hot if the guy tries to resist...

The Round Up . . . Is Over

by voluptuary_manque on Sep 13, 2017
Loving Wives

Before reading this story it would be good to go to the Loving Wives archives and read K.K.'s erotic and rather disturbing story The Round UP. http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=64589 This story is my take on what happens in the next competition. As always my thanks go to all who have kindly commented on my previous submissions. Your prais...

Wife Gets What She Wants!

on Sep 14, 2017
Loving Wives

Introduction: Here's another story everybody can get pissed off about. I hope you enjoy it anyway. Read the whole thing before you get mad. Don't get mad at me if I say anything about any group of people; it's just part of the story. Please leave a comment and vote when you're done. Here goes! Its late spring; a husband and his wife are in their kitchen....

Images et Échos D’autres Réves

by Adrian Leverkuhn on Sep 17, 2017

When I look up to the skies I see your eyes a funny kind of yellow I rush home to bed I soak my head I see your face underneath my pillow I wake next morning tired still yawning See your face come peaking through my window Pictures of matchstick men and you Mirages of matchstick men and you All I ever see is them and you Pictures of Matchstick Men Status Qu...

Echoes of Hell

by CaptainKirk on Sep 17, 2017

This is another story I wrote for the same contest as the previous one I submitted. I was hesitant about submitting this, fearing that someone would accuse me of plagiarism. It was written and completed about four years before an author wrote a novel about this very type of story, one that I have not had the chance to read myself. I'm submitting it 'as is',...

Thorne Ch. 05

by kalamazoo707 on Sep 25, 2017
Interracial Love

Note: First, thanks to donalde for beta-reading for me. Secondly, thank you all for continuing to follow the Sinclaire/Yancy and now Blackwell families. Also thank you for the comments and emails. They are very much appreciated. Kal ******* "What did you feel?" Nathan asked Louise as he sat down next to her. "That's just it." Louise said after a minute....

Life as a New Hire Ch. 19

by FinalStand on Sep 18, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

This story plays fast and loose with Ancient History and Linguistics; be warned. Life exists in both seconds and years. Don't ignore one for the other. I would like to thank the phone operator and Chief of the Burnham, Illinois Police Department for answering my questions, despite their bizarre nature. ***** (Monday Night) I should have known to not hav...

Last Vacation Pt. 02

by saddletramp1956 on Mar 9, 2020
Loving Wives

The following was inspired by stlimanika's 2011 story, "Vacation Away," a story about a family on vacation. The wife gets pregnant by a man they meet at the hotel and the husband accepts the result. While the basic premise remains mostly the same, the characters are different, a few more twists have been included and the result is quite different. To unders...

Run Ch. 05

by Evil Alpaca on Sep 14, 2017

This story is a bit wordy and fairly long, so if you are looking for immediate gratification, you might want to look elsewhere. It contains heterosexual and lesbian sexual activity. --------------- ----------------- The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead (or just confused) is entirely coincidental....