Loving Wife Cheating Stories

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Loving Wives in Popular Culture

by justbobkc on Oct 14, 2017
Reviews & Essays

Just About 30 Examples This is a far from complete list and is listed pretty much in the order I personally read or watched or became aware of. 1. Le Morte d'Arthur - King Arthur and Guinevere. King Arthur ultimately dies because of Guinevere and Lancelot's betrayal. (See my essay: "What I Learned from Anony" for a detailed analysis.) 2. The Detective (19...

Marriage and Infidelity

by Youami on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

This contribution of mine is an attempt by me to raise some of the very important issues raised by many of the Loving Wives tales. Before I discuss more general areas, it is appropriate that I place before you details of my own martial situation that have motivated me to comment on these issues. When I decided to marry my wife it was because of my unconditi...

Nobody Likes Being Cheated On

by Hooked1957 on Sep 17, 2017
Loving Wives

The doorbell rang me out of my nap in my La-Z-Boy on a Friday evening, and I noticed my wife Traci still wasn't in her usual spot on the sofa in the den. So instead of Traci going to the door and me continuing to sleep, I had to put the recliner upright and get the door myself. Heading to the door, I noticed through the window that police lights were flashi...

A Category That Is: Loving Wives

by Sammael Bard on Sep 13, 2017
Reviews & Essays

Author's Note: This is the sole thinking, views and muddling of The Soulful Bard on a category in Literotica known as 'Loving Wives'. *~*~*~*~* Seeing all those heavy-weight authors on Lit throwing their weight around with their criticisms and reviews, I decided to throw one of my own ideas into this chaotic mix. This review is about the most controversi...

The Receipt

by Winterfrog on Sep 12, 2017
Loving Wives

Many thanks to snowbear for editing this story. * The cruel truth is that shit can happen where and when you least expect it. I got to know that simple truth the hard way. I thought that I, Alexander Ericsson, a 43 year old Scandinavian guy, had a perfect life with two great kids, a beautiful, loving wife, good health, nice home, good job, helpful parent...

Her Unexpected Net Dating

by Winterfrog on Sep 17, 2017
Loving Wives

* Author's foreword: I'm sorry to say that, due to problems finding an editor, this is an unedited version of the story. Please stop reading right here if you have any problems in reading text what might contain errors in grammar and word order. An edited version will be out as soon as present problems are solved. * Jimmie Svenson was a real friend who d...

Cheating Wife & Cuckold Husband #05

by SusanJillParker on Sep 15, 2017
Loving Wives

Please vote. Please give me the support of your vote. I dedicate this story to Walter from Southern California. * Something that all women say one time or another, "How do you like me now?" Later in their marriage, had they not shared the commonality of them both being cheating spouses who were sexually attracted to young, firm flesh, Jay didn't think th...

Lisa Pays The Price

by Web_Spinner on Sep 14, 2017
Loving Wives

WARNING: To the readers of my romance stories who like a happy ending. This is not one of those stories. I have had comments from some readers on a couple stories that they wished I had included more details on what happened with the ex-wife. They said they wanted to see some kind of revenge. This is for those readers. This is a torch the bitch story. No sex...

Marriage Is Overrated!

by sojoman on Sep 1, 2017
Humor & Satire

"I am sure you are meeting with another woman when you are on your business trips." "I know you are cheating on me." "You're late again, I am certain you were with another woman." When you hear these definitive statements from your wife, day after day, night after night, I can understand why you would become concerned and even exceedingly worried. You kno...

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

by Target69 on Nov 16, 2020
Loving Wives

I've read several stories on Literotica about cheating wives and their secretive, adulterous wiles and schemes. It seems they all just happen to find that wonderful guy with the biggest piece of meat they've ever seen. It's just so marvelously huge they just can hardly imagine trying to fit it into their tiny mouths. They don't believe they could ever fit it...