Living Mannequin Stories

123,772 results
Infinite Scroll

Brian and the Living Mannequin

by calx86 on Feb 26, 2019
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Pleased with her achievement on Stephanie, the mischievous little lust fairy Arianna had her sights set on a department store manager at the name of Brian, who was in his mid-twenties and had lost hope finding love. Arianna had stolen a pocket pussy from a local sex toy shop and brought it to life with her magic. She sent it out in the middle of the night to...

Kinky Secrets Ch. 09

by pvclook on Sep 12, 2017
Toys & Masturbation

At the time she didn't know how but the pee had to go somewhere and was looking for a way to increase my discomfort. She had got hold of the water tablet from a nurse she knows who said there were quite strong. So when the opportunity arose where I took one of them in front of her she was delighted. A few hours later i woke up clutching my stomach and groan...

Piece by Piece

by Sharethebinds1 on Mar 18, 2020
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Julian sat on the soft sofa, willingly wasting his mind away watching shows streamed to television. Typical daily life for the young man passed as such. Finished with university a few years earlier, Julian remained imprisoned at a dead-end job. The monotony had led to the resignation of a future, with the decision his diploma was useless and wasted thousands...

Rhoda the Robot, My Living Doll.

Toys & Masturbation

The Wall Street Journal ran a small ad about an auction house in New York City auctioning off television memorabilia. As I am a huge TV trivia buff, I figured the auction was worth the ride from Boston, if only from the curiosity point of view. Besides, maybe, I'll learn some inside trivia knowledge that I could use at my next cocktail party. "Did you know...

Enchanted Panties Ch. 06

by calx86 on Jun 5, 2018
Erotic Horror

A special thanks to Vestiphile for assistance in editing this chapter. * While Kate and Jenna were both involved in their sexual ordeal with Penelope`s enchantments, a certain enchanted pocket pussy from Molly`s sex shop had mischievous plans of its own. It was looking to hide inside a women`s clothing store in a nearby strip mall, hoping to make a chance...

Into Her Mouth

by DragonCobolt on Sep 25, 2017
Erotic Horror

Author's Note: This is once more a Tale of the Macabre -- joining its sister story, Future Reservations, in the erotic horror section. There are elements of body horror, unwilling transformation, rape and it does not end happily. If that is not your cup of tea, then please, check out any of my other stories. Though, as a note, it is completely unconnected (p...

Charles and the Real Woman

by DistilledTension on Sep 14, 2017
Erotic Couplings

Ah, what to say about Charles. He was an odd bird. His heart was in the right place, and he was purely benevolent, but his love life was highly abnormal and firmly in the strange category. Raised by two loving and doting parents, home schooled, but sheltered from the world, with no real friends other than his parents, and his grandfather who had passed away...

Mannequin X

by AnonymousPerv on Feb 6, 2018
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

All characters of age. This one escalated quickly, then abruptly kind of ends. I feel like if the reader wants more, I've done my job. Sometimes, I question if I pull back too far. Feel free to let me know. Like most of my stories, it involves a ridiculous situation with a bit of a "free use" theme. Enjoy ***** The investors were going to be very happy. As...

Mysterious Stranger

by Finish This on Sep 12, 2017
Chain Stories

A photographer finds that many/all of his (or her) recent pictures contain the same person. This is coincidence -- the photog does not know or recognize the person. One detail is visible and allows the photog to track them down. What happens next? Literotica authors write finish the story. The Beginning: (submitted by Pennlady) "Well, this is weird." Jake...

Display Wife Ch. 01

by R_Peterson on Sep 25, 2017
Loving Wives

Chapter One -- The Porn Shop It was the same year the "dot coms" went bust that Mark lost his high paying job. Unemployment covered him and his wife for twenty-six weeks, but when that money ran out he was desperate; willing to take any job that paid money. Mark ended up with a job that took him to the inner city, to the red light district, to a porn shop....