Literotica Beadtility Written Stories Stories

352,164 results
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Who is the Writer, SusanJillParker?

by SusanJillParker on Sep 13, 2017
Reviews & Essays

An up close and personal look at the writer behind the stories. I've been busy writing, since I joined Literotica on January 1, 2007 and before, of course. I started writing, when I was 13-years-old. Graduating magna cum laude with a 3.65 grade point average, I received my bachelors degree in English from Northeastern University in Boston in 1999. I nearly...

Reviewing the Survivor Contest

by PrincessErin on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

In a perfect world, there would be no need for competition. Everyone would share what they had and no one would be left hungry, or homeless. Isn't that a perfect scene? Of course it is, but in reality, it will never happen. Human nature is thus that being competitive is a way of survival. Even when you look at the science behind conception, you see that sper...

Farewell from Randydaughter

by randydaughterreborn on May 15, 2018
Reviews & Essays

I've been writing my erotic stories on and off for almost 10 years now, and I think my well of creativity may finally be running empty. I might post the occasional story here if the muse strikes me with a good enough story, but I think overall I might be done with actively writing erotica. Before I go, I thought I might write a kind of farewell letter to my...

Giving and Taking Lit. Feedback

by sr71plt on Sep 16, 2017
How To

In all likelihood most authors posting stories to Literotica are seeking connection and approval from readers here—and there's nothing wrong about that. And a good many are also interested in receiving help in developing their writing style and the popularity of their stories. There's nothing about that either. There also are readers willing to help authors...

Author's Note from Kitty The Tease

by KittyZateez on Jul 31, 2018

Hello readers, For those of you enjoying my teasing-themed stories so far here on Literotica, I thought I'd take an opportunity to say thanks for the comments and ratings. My tales are targeted at a very specific type of reader, mostly passive / submissive males, so I wasn't sure how well they'd be received here and I appreciate the mostly positive feedback...

Questions About Literotica

Reviews & Essays

Since, I have been writing on Literotica, now, for five months, I am taking this moment to review my Literotica experience and in reviewing my experience, I have some questions and have written this essay in the hopes that those who write and/or who read the erotic stories posted here can help me with answers. Numbered below, I have written several questions...


by Tara_Neale on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

It is December Twenty-Sixth. The refrigerator is full, most of the dishes washed. The older children have dispersed to their lives of work and college. The new has not yet worn off the younger ones' toys. And I just finished a goal that I have been striving to do for four years. Not a bad way to end the year (a lot better than the rig-a-ma-roar that was made...

Writers' Union

by gentlemom on Sep 13, 2017

Laura had a secret hobby that even her boyfriend Ben knew nothing about, and she had no intention of letting him in on her naughty secret. Laura had been writing erotica and porn stories, for her own enjoyment and as aids to her masturbation sessions, ever since she first discovered Literotica, an online collection of sex-based fiction. It had amazed and thr...

The Psychosexual Motive in Writing

by Da_Vida on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

I have been a writer all of my life. My employment as an adult has, to a large extent, depended on my ability to get published, which I suppose makes me a professional writer. In addition to writing, I've also served as a consulting editor for a number of publications. I am no stranger to the written word. The motives for writing erotic fiction no doubt va...

Short Tales of Fortitude

by DoctorD on Aug 27, 2020

This is a collection of short stories that I have written. Some form a storyline, thin though it may be, which is about mind control, a harem, and primarily, sex. It is primarily written for action, and often features different things, such as domination, abuse, cum inflation and futa. It should be known that it gets quite violent. Those stories do come toge...

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