Lesbian Medical Stories

37,015 results
Infinite Scroll

An Unexpected Encounter

by Dawns on Sep 14, 2017

This one is a Prequel to The Tale of Jody and Dee. * My name is Deanna Halleywell. I'm a twenty- six year old, glazed strawberry blond with long, somewhat curly hair, hazel eyes and fair skin. Jogging three or four miles a day helps keep my weight down to a level that I like. Bicycle crunches and oblique crunches done on my apartment floor until my stomach...

Writing Healthy Relationships

by yumeko on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

I love written pornography. From the time I first discovered the written pornography in magazines when I was young, the written word has always been my favourite way to get off. And perhaps that should have been a clue to me, because I found out later that supposedly boys and men prefer visual material, but at the time I didn't much care. I only cared that r...

No Future Ch. 48

by bradley_stoke on Sep 15, 2017
Novels and Novellas

XLVIIIForeign ShoresBetty2038 "I don't see what's wrong with living in a squat," Betty insisted. "It's as good a way to live as any other." "It's squalid and unhygienic," Lakeisha countered. "Why do you live here then?" "You know why I do," said Lakeisha as she kissed Betty adoringly on the lips as they lay entangled on the mattress in their shared room....

00071 Bigamy Ch. 01

by Tarbut on Aug 31, 2017
Group Sex

As Roland opens his apartment's door, Linda stands up and hugs him; as he feels her boobs against his breast, he kisses her on the cheeks, on the lips and then in the mouth. Roland fondles her hips and tries to remove her sweater, but she raises her skirt, baring her naked twat, and opens Roland's fly. He then understands that her wife is eager to be nailed...

Embarrassing Celebrity Bodies

by Naughty Stories on Aug 19, 2020
Fan Fiction

Doctor Amy Wilson and her wife Doctor Susan Bradford are still in their thirties, but they already are two of the most respected medical doctors in the United Kingdom. Their clinic in London is known for treating many celebrities, both British and international. Actresses, singers, journalists, politicians and even royalty trusts the professionalism of Wilso...

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Husband Gets Lesbian Pregnant

by southdakota2005 on Sep 11, 2017
Loving Wives

Some people might think that NI (Natural Insemination) is a lusty way for a man to get sex. It can be, but if done correctly it is actually a reliable delivery method for the sperm into the woman. Some prefer the deliver to be at a doctor's office with the doctor placing the sperm at the cervix and getting you pregnant. Others try it themselves with various...


by addictedtonylon on Sep 14, 2017
Erotic Couplings

The life of a drug rep is a difficult one. I hope this story brings respect to what they do under trying circumstances. Of course, it is fictional I hope you enjoy this story. It was edited by LSEiland, my favorite editor. If you like the story, please comment. If not, tell me why not. Your criticisms help me write future stories. _______________________...

Husband is a Good Sport Ch. 03

by jealouscuck on Mar 25, 2019

After Cam and I reached an agreement about Camille, there was no longer any negotiations. Our first encounter with what could be described as lesbian sex was so satisfying to me that I kept Camille made up for the rest of the night. We made love many times. My clitoris ached the following morning, but it was a good ache. That sated us for a while. We did hav...

Cum Addiction

on Feb 4, 2017
Science Fiction

It happened a few years ago, some sort of illness came to. It lasted in people forever with no cure, well no long-lasting cure. These people need to ingest semen at least once a day, and even then once isn't exactly enough. If they don't they start to go through withdrawals and this eventually leads them to death. You, having a medical degree, put together a...

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Ann Tique's Shoppe

by otx on Jul 1, 2016
Toys & Masturbation

There is a small store, an unremarkable door under a forest green awning with one front window. An arch of foot-high gold Victorian-era letters spelling out "Ann Tique's Shoppe" adorn the front window, and are again repeated in one-inch letters on the glass of the door. As for the items displayed in the window, that changes over time. Some of them...

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