Kampo Era Tsunami Survivor Stories Stories

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Where Do We Go From Here?

by Tara_Neale on Sep 16, 2017
Letters & Transcripts

Dear Laurel, Manu, fellow authors and my Literotica readers, The end of another year is drawing to a close. And this year is not just the end of another year, but of an era it seems. If the rumors are true and 2014 was the final year for Survivor, then I feel that the words of country singer Tim McGraw says it best... The ending of an era and the turning o...

Miscarriage of Hope

by wife2hotblk on Sep 17, 2017

Tara Edwards watched the cherubic face of her adorable three year old daughter. Her curly brown hair framed her beautiful face that was a lighter version of her beloved husband. How could something so simple bring both unspeakable joy and earth-shattering heart ache? She knew that she should probably quit being so hard on herself. She knew that her doctor an...

Sparking Ch. 06

by Rubnesque on Sep 19, 2017

I ignored the many faces turned to me in rabid interest of the incredibly horrifying scene my mother -- no not mother, but caretaker -- made moments earlier. Shards of my life that never fit together finally made sense. I understood why they slept in separate rooms -- Mary never could forgive him his indiscretion and sought to punish him. Every child has...

The Survivor Contest

Reviews & Essays

I have complained twice about how the Survivor contest works and my complaints were not well received, an understatement. The hostile smugness of the response to my comments surprised me and made me realize that there is nothing funny or fun about the Survivor Contest. This is a very serious competition, indeed. After all, there is money involved and whenev...

How To Win the Survivor Contest

How To

It's easy and it's fun! "Easy! Well, kind of, not really, not at all. But, it's fun! Well, kind of, not really, not at all." This being my second year competing in Literotica's year long Survivor Contest, I have learned a few things about the Survivor's Contest necessary to win or, at the very least, place in the money. I like the Survivor Contest for two...

Reviewing the Survivor Contest

by PrincessErin on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

In a perfect world, there would be no need for competition. Everyone would share what they had and no one would be left hungry, or homeless. Isn't that a perfect scene? Of course it is, but in reality, it will never happen. Human nature is thus that being competitive is a way of survival. Even when you look at the science behind conception, you see that sper...

Survivor: A Tool For Writers

by RedHairedandFriendly on Sep 1, 2017
How To

This is not a How To on how to win the Literotica contest, Survivor. It's a How To on how to use this year long contest as a writing tool. First, like many submissions that discuss the contest, I'll give you a brief recap of what Survivor is, but unlike some of the previous stories from previous writers, I am not going through all the rules. Though I will di...

Winning Survivor - With One Story

by Iamcanadian28 on Sep 1, 2017
How To

The Literotica Survivor challenge is a grueling year-long competition pitting writers against each other to see who can garner the most points by writing a lot of stories. This article is designed to show my fellow writers how to reduce the stress and effort it takes to win the challenge. There is nothing in the survivor rules that state you have to write...

How to Ethically Compete: Survivor

by Zrnko_Pisku on Sep 1, 2017
How To

As the year closes the air is filled with jingling bells, Christmas music and the incessant drone of whining. Much like the commercial where after losing a video game on his phone a competitor says, "I like to win," to which an older lady sitting nearby replies, "You like to whine," the Survivor Forum is filled with whining. Echoing through the great halls o...

Musings on the "New" Survivor Contest 2009

by SunrockSin on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

Throughout the years the Survivor Contest at Literotica has evolved as the sometimes fierce competition has pressed, bent and sometimes broken the rules. Some competitors have attempted to compound the rules with "ethical" standards branding contestants competing well within the rules as cheaters. Others redefine the "spirit" of the competition as simply try...