Jasmine Stories

3,648 results
Infinite Scroll

The Trident

by Willailla on Sep 16, 2017
Novels and Novellas

(Age of Decadence) Lies and deceit leading on, the maelstrom swirls us back. We return to where we began. PROLOGUE: Mucia Faustina was seated on the third level of the amphitheater, the maenianum summum, the section allocated to women. On the roof above her the poor, the pullati, stood to watch the games. Fortunately she was in the first row of seats ab...

Stoned Submission

by kate7891 on Mar 10, 2020
Novels and Novellas

Chapter 1: Where There's Smoke... Annika Whenever I sit out on my balcony (and I say 'balcony' with a great sense of irony, but my humble studio apartment with its fenced ledge suits me and my needs just fine) and light a joint, I always do so inconspicuously. Or so I hope. I've deliberately woven ivy and fairy lights around two-thirds of the wrought...

Trial by Fire

by blackrandl1958 on Jul 9, 2019
Novels and Novellas

This is a repost of a story I removed from the site some time ago. If you have read it, there is no need to reread, vote or comment. Many have asked me to post it again, so I am. ***** Chapter One The eporeodon was exhausted. She staggered toward the stream, her urge to drink compelling her trembling legs. Her zebra like stripes were stained with clay whe...

Flight of the Shikra

by CriticalThinker on May 13, 2020

This is a first attempt. Comments and criticisms that are kind, courteous considerate and constructive would be encouraging. This is a long story. It builds up slowly. There is a lot of romance. It is also a work of fiction. However references to locations, historical characters, art, music and science are as one would find in normal geography, history and...

Flea Market Find

by Sir Galahad on Dec 9, 2019
Novels and Novellas

Chapter 1 "Ms. Shawcross will see you now," said the willowy blonde secretary, motioning them to follow her. Charles Emerson noticed that she had a pronounced seesaw to her hips as she undulated down the corridor to the conference room they had requested. "You know this is not going to be pleasant," warned Don Carcharo, Emerson's lawyer. "I don't expec...

Stoned Submission

by kate7891 on Mar 17, 2020
Novels and Novellas

Please comment, critique, praise and vote. Your feedback is immensely motivating! Chapter 1: Where There's Smoke... Annika Whenever I sit out on my balcony (and I say 'balcony' with a great sense of irony, but my humble studio apartment with its fenced ledge suits me and my needs just fine) and light a joint, I always do so inconspicuously. Or so I h...

The Domme Diet Plan Pt. 01

by subm_atty on Sep 11, 2017

Day 1—The Plan I have been fat as long as I can remember. I have tried various diets with no lasting success. Being uncomfortable with my body was probably one of the many factors that drew me into being a submissive. Two years ago, I met the Domme of my dreams. My Mistress was about 5'10" but towered well over 6' tall in the heels she usually wore. Her hai...

After the Second Fall

by AlwaysUnderfoot on Jan 28, 2020
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved Prologue In the forty-second year after the second Fall of Man, the first of the great contests was held. Born of necessity to a world only a fragment of its former self, it was a desperate ploy to stop the continuing unnamed conflicts by the man who would become the first new king. Despite being born after the fall, Ger...

Shifting Gears

by BurntRedstone on Mar 6, 2018
Group Sex

Author's Notes: Here is another quick little 'simple tale' that has become a multi-story arc. 'Shifting Gears' is the second story in the tale of Kyle MacDenny. Minimal effort is made here to explain the backstory so I highly recommended you read the stories in the following order: Shifting PrioritiesShifting Gears...the conclusion (to be named at a later...

Deconstructing the Professor

by silkstockingslover on Oct 8, 2019
Novels and Novellas

Summary: A proud black MILF is gradually dommed by a racist white coed. WARNING 1: This story includes politically incorrect terms (chief among them the infamous N word, and unlike the term of ironic respect it's used as in my stories about whites submitting to blacks, in this story it's used as it commonly is by racists, as an epithet). If such words or co...