Iq Loss Stories

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This Is Me Now

by LosingIt on Oct 8, 2017

She knew something was wrong from the moment she woke up. She didn't know where she was or how she got there, and she was having a hard time thinking clearly. The truth is she was thinking as clearly as she ever would again, but she didn't realize that yet. It was dark when she woke up, and she found herself on a hospital bed, naked. She could see a crack of...

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FFQ Caption Collection

by ffq on Sep 15, 2020

I have written a variety of captions and posted them to BDSMLR over the past year. Recently, I decided that I would try sharing some of the captions here on CHYOA for people to write continuations or alternate branches if the captions catch their interest. These captions involve celebrities, historical figures, and original characters. The content most often...

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The Sacrifices We Made

by LosingIt on Sep 26, 2017

In this world, various traits and rights of a person can be sold at a public market, and are then taken away from that person until and unless they can buy them back. It sounds weird but if you read the story you'll get the hang of it. Their mother wouldn't let them come along for the actual bargaining. She was afraid it would be too stressful. So the three...

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Des vacances qui tournent mal

by zbloutch on Jul 31, 2019

L’aéroport de Roissy était bondé en ce début d’été. Les vacanciers se bousculaient comme si leur vie dépendait de leur présence dans leur avion avant le départ de ce dernier. De temps en temps, une voix monocorde faisait une annonce dans un micro, dominant quelques instants le désordre ambiant. Des groupes se formaient et se séparaient. Les milliers de gens...

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Une soirée magique

by zbloutch on Jul 15, 2019

La ville de Fort-Sépia était un endroit sans histoire. Les jours et les nuits qui s'y écoulaient se déroulaient généralement sans imprévus, et le soir ou commence cette histoire ne semblait pas faire exception à la règle. Au milieu des maisons plongées dans l'obscurité, une seule se démarquait. Ses fenêtres allumées et les silhouettes qui bougeaient, sans pa...

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Marium Aasan Telecom Bitch Ch. 06

by haramakhrama on Sep 2, 2017
Erotic Couplings

Part VI -- The Investigation It did not take long to realize that the Commercial Liaison Supervisor's main job was to keep the foreigners busy and out of the hair of the local management team. IQ made sure he was in my pants whenever the need arose but was only intent on using me as a receptacle for his bodily fluids. Munafik remained impervious to my charm...

The crazy ex girlfriend

by zbloutch on Sep 5, 2019

-I think there’s someone at the door. Peter sighed and looked away from the newspaper he had been reading since he had started his breakfast with his family. He looked at his wife and smiled. After sixteen years of marriage, as both were approaching their forties, he was still in love with Laura. Her brown hair, her blue eyes, not to mention her generous cur...

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Free use world

by envywest on Apr 7, 2017
Science Fiction

This was the first story I wrote and I'm very sorry for all the errors. Bad writing, bad story. But hey, at least it's free -EnvyWest _____ 200 years ago, in the age of enlightenment, men found out that women have no soul. It made men believe women are nothing more than things to be owned. Stealing or damaging any owned woman is still illegal, but it is seen...

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Hollywood Horror Story

by zbloutch on Feb 13, 2020

The night had fallen for a couple hours, and yet, Los Angeles was more dynamic than ever. The city was shining a thousand lights coming from its numerous buildings, and its population was living it's life, far from suspecting something terrible was coming their way. And yet, it was. You see, there are things humans have come to think impossible, because the...

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A Secretary's Revelation

by trigudis on Sep 14, 2017

Note: There's no sex or romance here, just an unusual sort of rude awakening. ***** When Kevin Fleming tells Jenifer Vollmers, his live-in fiancé, that he plans to apply for a job at Easton Pharmacy, an East Coast drug chain, she gets very excited. Jen's been working as a secretary there for over three years, since her mid-twenties. Kevin, now thirty, eigh...