Granny Erotica Stories

6,947 results
Infinite Scroll

Game Monster

by Cantalope on May 11, 2015
Science Fiction

As the world loads in you rise up, drawing up your power... before unceremoniously flopping onto the ground. What's the point? The heroes would just waltz through and kill you 20 minutes from now. You didn't even get the satisfaction of killing them over and over again like the bosses did. You were just a creep put here so the heroes could farm XP. The more...

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Erotic and Erotica

Reviews & Essays

What is erotic to me may not be erotic to you. I am a heterosexual man who has had his share of women. Probably because I was, the key word was, good looking in my youth; I have had my share of beautiful women. They always came looking for me. I have yet to ask a woman out for a date. They were always the ones asking me and I was always surprised, flattered...

Ponyville After Dark (Contributors Welcome!)

on Sep 17, 2015

Disclaimer The characters, locations, mannerisms, descriptions, expressions, and identity manifests in this story are the property of Hasborough and It's affiliated companies; with the exception of OCs and other original content: the 'owner' of the story, other contributors, and the website on which it is hosted make no claim or challenge, express or implied...

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Oh Teacher, My Teacher Ch. 01

by coaster2 on Sep 15, 2017
Novels and Novellas

Author's Note: This story is situated in Canada and hence the different spelling and word choices. I hope it doesn't interfere with your enjoyment. It's the story of a man who has a hard time accepting good fortune. As always, I am indebted to Erik Thread for his skillful, insightful and helpful editing. Any errors are mine alone. * Chapter 1: My name i...

Non-Erotic Story

Reviews & Essays

WARNING: This is a non-erotic story. If you opened this document in error expecting an erotic story, please leave now. If you do not wish to view non-erotic content, please exit now. By opening this document you are affirming that you want to view non-erotic material. You assume full responsibility upon opening this document knowing full well that it is not...

Office Obsession - His POV

by POVscribe on Mar 12, 2019

Aargh! My tablet just blew up with calendar reminders. I love my work, but lately it's been overwhelming. I have been a corporate attorney for nearly 25 years and also sit on several non-profit boards of directors. While I get to do pretty much what I went to school for and trained to do, the lifestyle doesn't leave much—or any—room for a personal life. I've...

Prey For Me Ch. 03

by Dvora Sosan on Sep 15, 2017
Novels and Novellas

Pt. III: Mysterious Disappearance Several weeks after her strange encounters of the sexual kind with Danel, Laurie had some unusual but familiar feelings. She went to the local drug store and purchased an ANSWER PLUS home pregnancy test. Purple haze. On the way to the store she sang ... "Purple Haze all in my brain; Many things just don't seem the same....

Laundry Day

by blackstallion21 on Sep 16, 2017

Blacks, whites, darks and lights, I have never been one that likes going to the laundry mat. Being a single man, that is only renting an apartment, and doesn't have the amenities of a full house, kind of puts a strain on the personal life when it comes to the chores. Especially Laundry! Week after week, it's the same old thing. Separate all of my clothing,...

Drummer Boy - Down to Earth Ch. 01

by Lady_Dysprosia on Sep 25, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Drummer Boy - Down to Earth Ch. 01 Hey boys and girls! It's been a while since I updated the story. I've had the raw files sitting around for, literally, years, but I've been dealing with life stuff, and concentrating on my non-erotica works. The usual platitudes: I've got tons of material, and will be posting the rest of the story regularly. Thank you f...

Drummer Boy - Down to Earth Ch. 04

by Lady_Dysprosia on Sep 25, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

5 Days Earlier Jason awoke with a start, immediately suspicious. He didn't remember much of the dream, but what he did remember put him on guard. He needn't have worried. Jason was still under the covers, and seemingly unmolested. Pearl, or rather the lump of blankets that represented her, was in the same position he'd remembered from the night before, sno...