Girl Porn Stories Stories

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Farewell from Randydaughter

by randydaughterreborn on May 15, 2018
Reviews & Essays

I've been writing my erotic stories on and off for almost 10 years now, and I think my well of creativity may finally be running empty. I might post the occasional story here if the muse strikes me with a good enough story, but I think overall I might be done with actively writing erotica. Before I go, I thought I might write a kind of farewell letter to my...

Flaws in the Porn Industry

by X-Factor on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

I stumbled upon this category in Literotica, and I found a perfect place to vent. I understand that some of you have been sending me emails looking for more stories, and I thank you for all of them. They are on their way, I promise. This time, however, I would like to speak on behalf of all who enjoy erotica, without going extreme - in other words, most of u...

Create a porn star story

by fethishboy on Jan 23, 2010
Fan Fiction

There are many porn stars in the world. They are women who bring pleasure to men and women by performing the arts of porn. But what about their stories? What do they do in their spare time. Well these are their adventures. You could tell stories of the like of Gianna Michaels, Jenna Jameson, Summer Cumming, and many others. But who does the story star. Other...

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A Philosophy of Porn

by Christian Black on Sep 14, 2017
Reviews & Essays

I love sex, but for the most part, I hate pornography. As a cinematic and literary genre, porno is to sex as the romance genre is to love. That is to say, each takes an amazingly complex subject and reduces it to a series of simple-minded cliches. Worse than this, pornography robs sex not only of its complexities, but also of its beauty. Porn is ugly. It ref...

What is Literotica?

by starrkers on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

Literotica: is it just a fancy name for a porn site or is there a greater depth to the name? If you happen to stumble across the forums attached to this site (did you even know there were forums?), you might see someone promote the concept that this site is above "mere porn" and even above plain erotica -- there is meant to be a literary component to it, wh...

Living Our Fantasies Pt. 02

by LIVINRFANTASIES on Sep 15, 2017
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

Welcome to our world of exhibitionism and living fantasies by Den. --The first time I can remember taking Doll's tit pictures was bent over at a State Park drinking fountain along a trail after we were married and she was of age. Remember free water? By chance a few others watched from behind bushes as we recreated that first "bent over the drinking fountai...

Confessions along the Internet Ch. 02

by Darkforeboding on Nov 25, 2017
Novels and Novellas

The Happy Mysogynist From a conversation on Prodigy Internet Chat from around 1998. For years I sat day after day on a chat line looking for personal stories. I started opening my own room, since the program let me, named something like "Tell me sex stories," or sometimes "True sex confessions." Wild women would tell me something viciously naughty, I hoped...

The Girl I Met at Literotica

by Zack Crash on Sep 13, 2017
Erotic Couplings

I was fucked up in my life around this time. Well, I was MORE fucked up around this time. A lot of it had to do with a beautiful stripper named Leslie. I loved her. She loved me too, but she loved someone more. The point is, I had her and I lost her. I lost my best friend and I lost my fantasy, and I felt dead. Leslie was the girl who made me cold. I was...

Twenty Questions

by silkstockingslover on Jan 7, 2018
Reviews & Essays

Summary: Jasmine responds to most common questions asked by readers. Thanks to: Tex Beethoven, thor_ph, Robert, and Wayne for editing. 20 Questions I get asked a lot of questions about myself and my writing. There was even an article by Bob_Aganoush called Literotica Authors 02: silkstockingslover. This makes me think I should go into more detail. So her...

Up In Smokey: On Writing Lesfic

by Smokey125 on Oct 24, 2018
Reviews & Essays

This Essay Was Begun— Thursday, September 27th, 2018, 6:14 p.m. Well then, and good day, friends! Yes, 'twould appear it's essay time again, would't not. The topic: writing lesbian fiction. I realize there've already been done a number of essays, treatises, theses and tutorials on the subject at hand. But now...there's one more. What got me into writin...