Gay Male Stories Stories

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Love Your Readers: Categories

by Tx Tall Tales on Dec 9, 2019
How To

============================ Help Your Readers. Categorized Your Story Correctly. In Love Your Readers, I wrote about things you do to improve the reading experience for your readers. In Love Your Readers: Categories, I'd like to share my ideas on making it easier for the readers to decide to give your stories a read, by placing it in the right category....

How To Break the Literotica Toplist

by Tink4Fairy on Sep 11, 2017
How To

Have you ever wondered why some authors seem more popular than others? Why do some stories get so many views and votes, while others languish without the hope of a little red "H"? Why does it seem easier to get into the toplists in some categories but impossible in others? Is there some secret formula for writing a popular story? Yes, actually, there is—at...

Story Tags

by Literotica on Sep 18, 2017
How To

You've written your story, edited it within an inch of its life, and are all ready to show it to the world. You open a submission page and – what's this? Story Tags? What the bleep is a Story Tag? The larger any archive grows, the more important organization becomes. Separating stories into our current categories helps connect readers with stories they'll e...

Using Literotica

by Goldeniangel on Sep 14, 2017
How To

This fabulous website known as offers a plethora of reading material in many different categories. Therefore, despite attempts to make the site easy to use by putting the stories into specific categories, there always seem to be some readers who manage to get lost and find themselves reading a story that they REALLY don't like. Often they deci...

The Envy of the Erotica World Ch. 02

by Samuelx on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

Alright, folks. I guess I can make it official now. There's no hiding it anymore. I am certifiably bored. Seriously. Things that used to give me pleasure simply don't give me pleasure anymore. My name is Sam and I'm a tall, good-looking young black man living in Boston, Massachusetts. I'm a rather unique individual. Openly bisexual stud, activist for various...

Up In Smokey: On Writing Lesfic

by Smokey125 on Oct 24, 2018
Reviews & Essays

This Essay Was Begun— Thursday, September 27th, 2018, 6:14 p.m. Well then, and good day, friends! Yes, 'twould appear it's essay time again, would't not. The topic: writing lesbian fiction. I realize there've already been done a number of essays, treatises, theses and tutorials on the subject at hand. But now...there's one more. What got me into writin...

Chyoo Challenges

by 13Zeroes on Jan 3, 2012

Okay, so either: A) You want to read a particular kind of story, but chyoo doesn't have it and you have no confidence as a writer, or... B) You are a writer suffering from a block and need an idea to help get yourself out of your funk? Here's where you can make suggestions for an idea for others to write, or browse for the kinds of ideas you can get behind w...

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The Ten Best Stories on Literotica

by sack on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

Whether you are a newbie or experienced Literotica inhabitant, it's very easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of stories. When I first started visiting this site, I had absolutely no idea where to start. The stories on the top lists have been criticized as being products of a popularity contest, so I have ignored ratings completely when compiling this...

Several Stories from Somewhere Else

by Freyasbearn on Mar 11, 2018

This is the landing page that will take you to the several stories re-archiving here. I am also using this section for new stories with the same themes as my other stories. That way I don't have twenty different stories all over the place that cover the same stuff. You can get it here. If you want to add on, or take a story a different way-- please, please d...

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A Philosophy of Porn

by Christian Black on Sep 14, 2017
Reviews & Essays

I love sex, but for the most part, I hate pornography. As a cinematic and literary genre, porno is to sex as the romance genre is to love. That is to say, each takes an amazingly complex subject and reduces it to a series of simple-minded cliches. Worse than this, pornography robs sex not only of its complexities, but also of its beauty. Porn is ugly. It ref...