Gay Encouragement For Husband Sex Stories Stories

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Confession to My Husband

by LisaKelroy on Sep 13, 2017
Letters & Transcripts

Dear Will I know I may regret telling you what happened last night. We have always been honest with each other but I do not honestly know how you will react. In our fantasies, it would turn you on more than anything. In reality? Maybe you will just think I cheated on you. As you know I am sharing a room with Emma on this trip. As ever, she has been moody....

About Cuckolding

by Angelscuck on Sep 15, 2017
Reviews & Essays

Cuckolding has always been one of my favorite fantasies, along with humiliation, female domination, forced feminization and forced bi-sex. I do not consider myself weak, feminine, gay or homophobic. One could debate that these fantasies could easily belong to a closet homosexual. They could, but not always. Just as one assumes a transvestite is gay, which...

Experiencing GM-Partnered Sounding

by sr71plt on Sep 15, 2017
How To

I like to write edgy gay male stories, but I'd never even heard of the act of sounding before someone remarked on a gay story site that they had trouble finding such stories. I looked the term up and was both intrigued and shocked, wanting to include sounding by one man of another in a story but having no context I could put it in. I usually write from expe...

Sometimes Size Does Matter

by biglouis on Sep 12, 2017

This is a story in which the male in the leading role does not possess a 7 to 11 inch long penis as big around as a beer can. Rather, this man is of average or even slightly below average size. Personally, this author is rather tired of reading about how all men have oversized penises. Yes, I suppose I am jealous because I’m on the short side of normal, and...

Kelly's Liberation Ch. 01

by aussie_101 on Sep 13, 2017
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

Note: this series is sequel to the 'Libby's Liberation' series. It would be best (but not essential) if you were to read 'Libby's Lib' first, then come on back and read this one. Cheers -- aussie_101. *** How many stories must there be that start with "I'm not gay, but..."? I'm sure there's a ton of them out there, and at the risk of sounding unoriginal, h...

Sarah's Journey Ch. 02

by NotNotty on May 12, 2020
Loving Wives

Thanks for being a reader! I was told after Ch. 1 that Loving Wives is a "tough" category. Maybe this story belongs in the Fetish category because there is a cuckolding theme. I intend for the story to be more as it unfolds. It's about Sarah's journey and she needs a little push at times. I think most cuckold stories are about the boys. This one will be fr...

I Make Believe I'm a Cuckold Ch. 02

by donaldelliott11 on Jan 28, 2020

This is the sequel to I Make Believe I'm a Cuckold. You should read that first. This chapter is dedicated to David, whose female coworker treats him the way he deserves. Writers love feedback. Please comment on and rate this story. About 99 readers out of 100 do *NOT* bother to do either. Comments help me improve my writing; ratings help other readers find...

Needs Must

by kewtieboy on Sep 14, 2017
Group Sex

You know what it's like when you lust after someone, really lust? Why is it that you lust after those you can't have? I suppose it's the same thing with those girls that follow boy bands around hoping they can bed the lead singer and knowing full well they never will. Well that was me! I was 23, attractive, slim, cute butt and gay. I can tell you but to be...

Commentary On The Cuckold Husband

by Diane Marie on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

I see I have gotten your attention. The truth is I'm not even sure myself where I'm going with this, I'm not even sure I'll stick to my intended subject. Perhaps it's best to start out with a definition of the word cuckold. As defined in the dictionary "A man married to a unfaithful wife." Simple enough, the guy's wife cheats. Many men fit this category, i...

Tammy Blames Her Husband

by jd185147 on Mar 10, 2020
Loving Wives

Tammy tried to appease her guilty conscious by telling herself it was all her husband's fault. He was the one who turned her on to Literotica and all those hot stories, many of which made her horny to no end. Roger did his best to satisfy her but she became more and more open to the idea of acting out. Roger frequently had to go out of town for business whi...