Forum Sex Story Stories

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Infinite Scroll


by pablosantori on Dec 6, 2010

Hi! No story here. To those of you new to Chyoo, welcome! Any questions that need to be made may be asked on this forum. Chyoo welcomes all new readers and writers, and we'll try our best to ensure that you feel that way. So, we have provided a community forum that might answer some questions on your mind! If you have a specific topic to discuss, then please...

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How To Meet People Online

by EmeliaBell on Sep 13, 2017
How To

Although young, I have to admit that I have met quite a large number of people online. Most of them are friends, but a couple turned into something a little more intimate and I've been dating one of them for nearly two years now – next month we're moving in together! Now this is not a guide for anyone who's already met people from the internet. I doubt I ha...

Observations on Nipples and Breasts

by NondescriptInCT on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

{{Author's Note: If you are going to score or rate this essay (which I sincerely encourage), please do so on the merits of the writing, NOT on whether or not you agree with the opinions.}} * * * * * There is a Nipples thread on the Literotica forum under Story Feedback started by the incomparable JenniferMidnight. The opening premise was "Nipples: Likes an...

How to Ethically Compete: Survivor

by Zrnko_Pisku on Sep 1, 2017
How To

As the year closes the air is filled with jingling bells, Christmas music and the incessant drone of whining. Much like the commercial where after losing a video game on his phone a competitor says, "I like to win," to which an older lady sitting nearby replies, "You like to whine," the Survivor Forum is filled with whining. Echoing through the great halls o...


by Mr.B. on Jul 30, 2014

Welcome. CHYOA is a site dedicated to interactive adult fiction. It offers an interactive story-telling environment where readers determine the outcome of the stories by choosing which path to follow every time they are given a choice. This guide will help you understand how the site works and the rules to follow, especially if you are interested in writing...

Open in Reader

Lions of Parnatha Ch. 06

by Medievna on Sep 15, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

***I have to thank those who sent me such inspiring feedback regarding this story. I had truthfully thought about putting it down and not picking it up again, but some of you have enjoyed it so much, I had to satiate you. My personal life is filled with a lot of stress and busyness, but I'm hoping I'll be able to post at least once a month, and make the chap...

Erotic Writing Process

by Shale on Sep 1, 2017
How To

Erotic Writing Process For Harrad Redux * It all started on a popular Website with one of those bulletins that Friends send out to their network. U+ME+MY ROOM =???? "WE'RE LOCKED UP IN MY ROOM FOR TWENTY-FOUR HOURS & WE COULD DO WHATEVER YOU WANTED, WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH ME? TELL ME IN MY INBOX... CUZ ITS A SECRET... THEN REPOST THIS IN YOUR BULLETIN.....

Confessions from a Secretive Wife

by dateingagain on Dec 3, 2018
Erotic Couplings

June and I met in a least likely location on the other side of the world. To say without disclosing the real location, it was in Germany back in the mid seventies and I was attending a French Military training course and she attended a get together sponsored by the school, it was what is called a hail and farewell. I was invited due to my linguistic abilitie...

He Finally Meets His Mistress Ch. 04

by EroticMistress on Sep 15, 2017

Part 4: Note to readers: If you have not read the first 3 parts of this story you may want to take a moment and do so as this is a direct continuation of them. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy the stories as much as I have enjoyed writing them for you. Please feel free to send me feedback. Happy reading!!! As you stand there hands against the window, y...

Halloween Jacks

by Haulover on Sep 13, 2017

A straight-arrow business professional steps way outside his comfort zone. Author's Note: There was some debate about which category this story lives in. Some will disagree, but wiser heads than mine advised that it could—but really doesn't—belong in Erotic Encounters, or Group Sex, or even GM. There's a fetish element to this story, and it probably fits t...