Femdom Fkk Campen Stories Stories

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I Secretly Finger Myself at Beach

by anonymouse333 on Sep 28, 2020
Toys & Masturbation

I've finished my last Exam. What a feeling. I'm exhausted from the studying and stress but exhilarated its finally over. For better or worse, I will have a University Degree. After working in menial jobs for ten years, the achievement is sweet. I phone mum. Some background: My mum is German. She met my dad as a teenager on a school trip to the UK, they even...


by JeffStarkmann on Oct 29, 2014
Group Sex

Es ist ein schrecklich langweiliger Freitag Nachmittag. Meine Name ist Bernd, ich bin 20 Jahre alt und stehe kurz vor dem Abitur. Eigentlich sollte ich lernen, aber wir haben gerade gestern zwei Klausuren gehabt und ich könne mir einen Tag Pause. Meinen Freunden Fred, Peter, Clara und Sophie geht es da ähnlich. Fred und Peter sind ähnlich gebaut wie ich. Pet...

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Visit to Burgholzhausen

by zweifelhaft on Sep 1, 2017
Group Sex

American readers may be inclined to think the following is a work of fiction, and if my wife ever reads it, I hope that she does, too. * Having landed in Frankfurt for a business meeting but having some hours to kill, I drove my rental car up the A5 north and east around the city to the nearby village of Burgholzhausen. At the edge of the village, between...


by TobiAss on Sep 18, 2020
Group Sex

Der bunte Flyer am Anschlagbrett des Supermarktes weckt sofort dein Interesse. Farbenfroh wird für ein neu eröffnetes Fitnesscenter geworben: "Nudefitness" - Sei aufgeschlossen für etwas Neues. Befreie dich von all deinen inneren und äußeren Zwängen. Bewege dich bewußt im Einklang mit deinem Körper. Wir bieten dir eine völlig neue Form des Fitnesst...

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The Accidental GILF

by anonymouse333 on Mar 2, 2020

It was a lovely midsummers day in Berlin. My wife and kids were away in Dresden for the week, visiting the grandparents and I had decided to visit a nude beach for the first time at the age of 45. Having grown up in the UK, it was a bit of a culture shock when we first moved here to witness the nonchalance with which East Germans get naked in public. Apparen...

Great time in a German Sauna Club

by NordicBroadHips on Sep 12, 2017
Interracial Love

Introduction I am a consultant for a large international consultancy company and due to the nature of my job I have to travel a lot. As I work in a very special area I mostly don't have a team with me but travel completely alone. Travelling alone has its advantages as you don't have to wait for others and you can make your own plans regarding the choice of...

FKK Summer

by History Nut on Sep 2, 2017
Erotic Couplings

During the summer of 1975 I took a working vacation to Germany to gather material for a couple of travel magazines I sold to on a fairly regular basis. Of course, I did all of the usual tourist spots along the Rhine and Mosel rivers in the hope that I could find an angle the other travel writers had not worked to death, but I knew I really needed something t...

FKK at Wellness Hotel Eifel Star 01

by yonekhadvash on Aug 31, 2017
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

I would like to thank Alexandra my editor for correcting my English and her wise remarks. Prologue I was planning my visit to a professional trade fair in Cologne in Germany. I do have a habit of spending one or two exhausting days in the fair and then allowing some quality time with myself, as due to our company's policy I travel alone. After surfing the...


by PaolaENF on Nov 26, 2019
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

Hier ein paar Geschichten zu Paola. Im Folgenden schreibe ich aus der "Ich" Perspektive auch wenn die Geschichten nicht wirklich passiert sind. VG bedeutet, dass es eine (kurze!) Vorgeschichte gibt, bevor das eigentliche Thema beginnt. Erstmal Allgemeines: Mein Name ist Paola. Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und wohne in einem kleinen Dorf direkt am Waldrand....

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Unfall, Schloss und Spiel

by The Pervert on Aug 18, 2016
Non-English (dated)

Dies war sein erster echter Urlaub seit drei Jahren und Bernhard Szalik wollte ihn so richtig geniessen. Darum hatte er alles sorgfältig geplant und wie es schien funktionierte auch alles so wie es vorgesehen war. Bernhard war Programmierer bei einer Softwarefirma die Kundenspezifische Lager- und Verwaltungssoftware entwickelte. Seine Arbeit war eigentlich d...

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