Femdom Cock Cage Stories

273,741 results
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Wendy Owns My Fantasy

by bleedndkn on Sep 24, 2019

I met my girlfriend, Wendy a few months ago at the library where she worked while I was doing research with historical primary sources. We hit it off right away. I asked her to coffee and we were thrilled by each other's company. Later that night she invited me back to her place and we began having amazing sex as often as possible from the first exhilarating...

Under Lock And Key

by mmurrells on Sep 14, 2017

This is the reasonably factual story of a phase my wife and I went through a couple of years ago.We've pretty much moved past it all but we still look back on it as a fun experience. I've tried my best not to embellish anything as we guys tend to do. I've been married to Gabriella for 5 years. At the age of 26, my wife is stunningly beautiful. Her grandpare...

MILF finds BBC Ch. 02: Early Days

by JrBlueBalls on Apr 20, 2020
Loving Wives

(I suggest reading the chapters in order) When the baby arrived, everything changed, Now brand new mother-hood is exhausting. As in, never enough rest. And then there is the bleeding. Yup, after giving birth, women bleed down there for a month. My cousin, her bleeding lasted three and a half weeks. I bleed too, and that meant no lickies. Hubby and I were bo...

The Women in My Life Cuck Me Ch. 02

by Philyssis on Mar 18, 2020

Continued from part 1, right in the middle of a sex club... I was relieved when my wife grinned. Then I was a bit concerned as it turned into an evil grin. "Wow Phil" my wife said to me. "I knew you had a dirty mind, but I didn't know you had THIS in you!" Amy, my wife's little sister, leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, then looked at Tara, "I'm s...

Delving into Femdom Ch. 01

by readytokneel2907 on Jun 1, 2020

**Chapter 1. Growing up Oh my where to begin, I imagine it is best to start at the beginning (or as close to it as I can remember). I grew up in a relatively medium sized east coast city living what some may call a normal life with two sisters and both my parents. Growing up I was always into sports and when I entered middle school I had begun to focus on b...

Trisha and Tom Ch. 05: Tom's Birthday

by sadbluekid on Sep 17, 2017

Trisha looked at me over the breakfast table, took a sip of her coffee, and reminded me that "your birthday is in four weeks. I need a list of what you would like in the next few days. And I want you to put a list together of bondage and torture tools that you want me to use on you. Choose a good number, I will then buy the ones I want to use on you, and we...

Femdom Vacation

by eatmebeatmeguy on Sep 11, 2017

Bored with my mundane office job and my sexless marriage, I downloaded an app that allows you to vent and share your secrets anonymously. Like most things on the internet, it became over run with thirsty perverts. Myself included. With it, users can chat with people or post publicly. Through using this app, I made friends with an American woman living in L...

Rachel Takes Charge Ch. 02

by amandrake on Sep 25, 2017

Our relationship changed the moment Rachel snapped shut the little padlock on the CB 6000 she'd bought and fitted to me. It was a small, almost unappreciable change - it was more than just at that moment I became her boyfriend, as opposed to someone that had dated her a few times, it was a formalising of the power she held in the relationship. It was a defin...

Mistress Monique

by bleedndkn on Sep 25, 2017

I met Monique at a show. She wore a tight black dress, dark eyeshadow and was by far the hottest girl at the venue. I didn't have a chance. A mutual friend introduced us and I became immediately enraptured with her and in the days to come would constantly think about how to spend more time with her. Then, after an evening with Monique and mutual friends at...

Miss A's New Play Thing

by Pornenthusiest on Oct 8, 2019

Chapter 1: Sexual Awakening Alex's morning ritual had changed lately. Typically he would start his day by slamming his alarm clock, getting out of bed, brewing coffee and taking a shower. But now, Alex was generally restless, always waking before his alarm could rouse him. He would rush to his computer immediately checking his messages, today was no differe...