Father In Law Sex Stories Stories

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Bostonfictionwriter's Big Bash Ch. 01


Are you ready for a party? Are you ready for some fun? Would you like to rub elbows with some hot women and men who have as much as a libido as you do? Well, sign up to attend the biggest bash of the year. I'm hoping to collect thousands of attendees to make this the biggest and best party of the sexes ever, bigger than the swingers' party they hold in Vegas...

Mother-in-law Fantasy Ch. 01

by hornyman12 on Sep 16, 2017

It's one of those things some of us fantasize about but never expect to happen. Those of you who are married and have viewed your wife's mother as someone you'd love to have sex with, but know it could never happen can relate to this story. It began this last December, while the In-laws were here for Christmas vacation. I have had many fantasies about my wi...

Why Do I Write Incestuous Erotica?

by SusanJillParker on Sep 13, 2017
Novels and Novellas

Why do I write erotica, especially incest stories? The short answer is because I was bitten by a vampire. This is a true, sexually explicit story that shows actual sexual experiences. Caring only of protecting the innocent, I used actually first names to reveal the guilty. For those of you who may be offended by reading such a graphic, incestuously erotic s...

How to Get You to Read My Story, #1

by SusanJillParker on Sep 26, 2017
How To

Writer shows how to entice readers to read her stories by using mother and son incest. There are more than fifty-five thousand writers who contribute stories to Literotica. With all of the stories, tens of thousands of them that appear each year and nearly three hundred thousand stories that appear in Literotica's archives, how do I entice readers to read m...

A Cuckold by Birth Ch. 07

by vyasya on Aug 27, 2019
Loving Wives

This story is pure fiction. The characters in the story are people from real life and most of the surroundings are very much real. However, nothing that transpires between them in the story is real; even if it was they would have never admitted it. This a cuckold story. A cuckold is a husband who receives vicarious pleasure from his partner having sex with...

Sugar and Her Father-in-law

by Boxlicker101 on Sep 26, 2017
Loving Wives

Dulcinea "Sugar" Garcia awoke from a fitful sleep, with her carnal needs not even close to having been satisfied. She glared at her husband, who was lying beside her, sound asleep and snoring loudly, and silently called him some vile names in Spanish. Although she is bilingual, that is her native language, and Sugar knows all the worst of some really nasty t...

Christian Right vs the Bible?

by DeniseNoe on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

The Christian Right is famous for its opposition to pornography and sex education. This is ironic in view of the many sordid, even titillating, descriptions of sexual misbehavior in the Holy Bible. A consistent Christian Rightist ought to, for reasons I will show, demand that The Bible -- at least in its' unexpurgated form -- be taken out of public school li...

My Frustration

by Lamh Dearg on Sep 14, 2017

This story is a mixture of fact and fiction about my wife, her mother and I. My wife Marcy and I have been married almost seventeen years and have three beautiful kids. Over the years we have experienced most of the normal problems that married couples go through in bringing up children. Marcy has had some health problems which at times can restrict our sex...

Myra's Little Book Shop, Redux

by carvohi on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

"Myra's Book Shop Redux." By Jedd Clampett ~~V~~ My Prologue: My God I'm pulling my hair out. Whatever you do don't skim what people write, and don't look for some cheating story with some kind of logical or justifiable pay back every time you open one! Gosh, everyone understands no one wins with infidelity. No one ever wins! Infidelity is about murder;...

Unwanted Guest Ch. 03

by Nextstar on Sep 19, 2017
Loving Wives

Author's Note: This story deals with adult theme. This depicts sexual relationship between father-in-law and daughter-in-law. It is a pure fantasy, not related to anyone living or dead in anyway. If you are mature enough to enjoy such adult theme then please read it and also provide your valuable feedback. If your moral conscious doesn't allow you to enjoy s...