E Stories

18,308 results
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Green E - Cursed or Blessed

Reviews & Essays

I received a green E the other day for my story, Celebrities: Insert Name. I laughed. I cried. I was shocked. It is a big responsibility wearing this big green E around my neck 24/7. I hope the thing doesn't rust because I've been showering while wearing it. Suddenly, my chest is more puffed out and my head is definitely bigger, as more people notice the gre...

Some Whys and Hows of E-Publishing

by sr71plt on Sep 11, 2017
How To

Those on the following list of authors have something in common: Douglas Adams, Winston Churchill, Lee Child, Carl East, Elizabeth George, Stephen King, Selena Kitt, Stieg Larrson, Carole Lynn, Anne McCaffrey, Brynn Paulin, Oscar Wilde, and P. G. Wodehouse. They are all best-selling authors of e-books. The subset of East, Kitt, Lynn, and Paulin are distingui...


by heykiza on Mar 16, 2019

Le pale del uh-60 blackhawk su cui ero a bordo fendevano l'aria provocando un leggero sibilo che mi entrava costantemente nelle orecchie, eravamo partiti dalla base Nato Diyarbakir un ora prima del nostro arrivo e per tutto il viaggio rimasi concentrata sull'importanza di quella operazione, cercando di cacciare via ogni mio pensiero e problema personale. L'a...

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Incest Through AOL Ch. 02

by NaughtyBritt on Sep 14, 2017
Letters & Transcripts

This is another transcript of IM's exchanged between daddy & I. All characters above 18. Do not bother contacting his screen name, I made it up. ---------- S T T E O T D haybrittanix3 *Blushes* Daddy S T T E O T D Mmhmm. haybrittanix3 *Moans softly and kisses* S T T E O T D *Licks your lips and kisses them again, squeezing you t...

Aaah! I Am Nude In Public 3 & 4

by Hellen_S on Sep 26, 2017
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

Hi again! This is the continuation of the story "Aaah! I am nude in public 1 & 2". If you haven't read this one perhaps you must start from there! I surely hope you will love the story and vote for me! I love encouragement! Kisses, Hellen_S *********************************** Session 3: The plan and the lessons Julie was thinking how to get even with Eri...

E-man vs Octopussy

by My Erotic Trail on Sep 15, 2017

Professor Blurpstein walked center stage of the University Auditorium. Shuffling through his notes attached to a clipboard, as he approached the podium. He waved his hand and a crew of stagehands rolled a large veiled object on to the stage. Dr. Amber, Professor Blurpstein's assistant was right behind him. Her bubbly smile, short smock and skirt was drawing...

La vicina

by Anonima on Jun 1, 2019
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

È estate e fa caldo, ma l'aria di questo sabato pomeriggio di luglio che entra dalla porta finestra aperta è l'ideale per la mia pelle accaldata dall'orgasmo. Sono qui, stesa e ancora nuda sul divano, dopo essermi masturbata fino a venire. Sono a gambe aperte che mi sto ancora accarezzando la figa rasata e fradicia, coccolandola mentre gli ultimi spasmi la s...

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La Torre Di David

by ULISSE on Sep 17, 2017
Erotic Couplings

Pansessualismo, cioè riconoscere nell'istinto sessuale l'origine e la causa primaria del comportamento degli individui. Istinto, tendenza innata. Impulso, sollecitazione interiore più forte della ratio, della ragione. Ma è proprio necessaria questa prefazione? Forse no, perché le manifestazioni sessuali, che iniziano alla nascita, sono quelle maggiorment...

School B & P league (italian)

by B&P_league on Apr 22, 2016
Fan Fiction

Salve, sono mr.Thong, l'ideatore di questa lega, tra tutte le studentesse di questa scuola sei stata selezionata per prendere parte a questi bra and panties match per determinare la lottatrice piú brava di questa scuola; Per vincere un Bra & Panties Match bisogna appunto lasciare l'avversaria in Bra & panties appunto, ovvero in mutande e reggiseno; a...

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Lost Empire Ch. 02

by Pars001 on Sep 13, 2017

The cold and unforgiving dark of space can be a hard mistress when searching for something. It had been two weeks now and Derrick was no closer to finding more of the A.I. brain boxes than when he started looking with E. Having extrapolated the exact position of the last battle and moving from there (not where they found 0999), Derrick thought it would have...