Doktor Stories

66 results
Infinite Scroll

Dr. Prank

by Fickstange on Nov 6, 2019
Humor & Satire

Dies ist eine offene, nicht ganz ernstgemeinte Story an der jeder der Humor besitzt mitschreiben darf. Doktor Eugen Frank - oder Dr. Prank der Alleskönner ;-) „Stellen sie sich bloß ihr Gesicht vor, Doktor, es sieht abscheulich aus und nächste Woche ist doch schon der Abiball!“ Der sechzigjährige Dr. Eugen Frank bewegte seine geballte Faust in Waltraud Wern...

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Version 3.0

by Paul44 on Sep 16, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

"It is truly amazing Herr Doktor," the assistant said as he looked at the dissected frog on the stainless steel tray," Yes truly amazing." The doctor examining the frog looked up with piercingly blue eyes beneath his green cap. Those eyes blazed with anger and he threw the frog into the nearest bin. "Amazing, no it would have been amazing had the creature...

House of Cthulhu Ch. 05

by ViperVenom on Sep 15, 2017
Novels and Novellas

~Fifth Night~ Ex Machina The foreign gentleman's name was Providence, and he had a knack for younger women. One might wonder as to how the combination of his short frame, a slightly too large nose and the receding hairline did not only not compromise his attraction for the fairer sex, but actually increased it. Amongst female circles a thinker's brow was se...

Das Neko-Experiment

by SioDerSio on Mar 31, 2020
Science Fiction

Das Bett mit Amy Hanks Bett rollte in den OP. Sie war noch nie unter Vollnarkose operiert worden, deshalb schlug ihr Herz schnell. Sie fühlte sich grauenhaft in dem luftigen Krankenhauskittel und die Schmerzmittel vernebelten ihren Verstand. Der Doktor trat an sie heran. Undeutliche Worte. "Experiment--sicher---gut bezahlt", jaja, was auch immer. S...

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The Dark Damsel Ch. 14

by BlackDarwin on Sep 16, 2017
Novels and Novellas

So what do you do when the girl you've just fucked is babbling in German, oblivious to your presence and the moment is growing long and awkward? Don't answer that, Bats, because your answer would probably haunt my nightmares. My response was a quick peck on the cheek, the promise to call her and a prompt exit stage right. She was a sweet girl, but I was afra...

House of Cthulhu Ch. 03

by ViperVenom on Sep 13, 2017
Novels and Novellas

~Third Night~ Consequences Balogh László was pissed off. Not about the task as such, although he had had better things to do than carrying his arse through half the city in the middle of an autumn night and running errands. No, it had been the implication which had been wrapped into Albert's order. "Balogh goes" had meant "You are responsible for her train...

Voyslash Ch. 01

by cptkonga on Sep 17, 2017
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

Voyslash I - by Cpt Konga- Mein erster Versuch in Richtung Slash. Wer Fehler findet darf sie behalten. Meinungen sind stets erwuenscht, blablabla usw. und so fort..... njoy, ***** Kathryn Janeway schrie auf, als Chakotay seinen pochenden, steinharten Schwanz in ihr enges Arschloch schob. "Oh Gott, Chakotay... Goooott... ahhh.." kam es gedaempft aus d...

The Royal Diadem of Maggot Hall

by endthedream on Sep 16, 2017

Rains, cold and winter. The impatient penitence of the lashing winds and the pitiless drops of rain slamming against the windows of the world. Standing in the ancient manse, this moment caught and broken apart by the self immolation in cold slashing wind fire, against the windows and the walls and the roof, none of which are capable of supporting us, not now...

House of Cthulhu Ch. 01

by ViperVenom on Sep 15, 2017
Novels and Novellas

~First Night~ The Woman on the Roof The considerable height above ground, combined with the first harbingers of autumn storms, made this rooftop not a nice place to be. The woman in black pulled her heavy leather coat tighter around her body, shielding herself from coldness, wind and night. She leant forwards again to get a clear view through the telescopi...

House of Cthulhu

by ViperVenom on Sep 15, 2017
Novels and Novellas

~First Night~ The Woman on the Roof The considerable height above ground, combined with the first harbingers of autumn storms, made this rooftop not a nice place to be. The woman in black pulled her heavy leather coat tighter around her body, shielding herself from coldness, wind and night. She leant forwards again to get a clear view through the telescopi...