Debt Stories

7,389 results
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A Dom's Revenge Ch. 03

by sirsemega on Sep 12, 2017

The next morning was Saturday, luckily I was off work and could sleep in. She never did like to sleep in and I figured that she would probably wake up earlier than me and I would give her the time this morning before I rolled out of bed to allow her to decide whether to stay or go. I lazed about in bed slowly coming awake. I heard some movement downstairs a...

Gifting Night Ch. 03

by deathlynx on Sep 16, 2017

Gifting Night Ch 3: Traded Destinies Please note this is chapter three of a continuing series...There will be more to come, and I highly recoomend reading the previous chapters... Thanks to everyone who asked me to continue the saga of the Dhase,it's been fun writing and I have discovered a whole world to explore...More will come... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...

One Pump Chump

by Gaius8666 on Sep 12, 2017

Desiree was stunningly beautiful. The several strip clubs she owned, and occasionally performed in, were wildly successful and major generators of cash to her ever growing bank accounts. Owning such a profitable venture, and running it with the efficiency of the sharpest mind on wall street had made her incredibly comfortable very early in life. Having gro...

How To Use Your Sister...

by One37 on Apr 29, 2019

It all started at home... Sam arrived at home after a long stressful day at work to find Kate’s car on the drive. “Whats she doing here,” he said. Opening the door he went to see what was going on, getting to the top of the stairs he could hear Kate and mum talking, someone was crying but he couldn't tell who? Continuing to listen he realized it was Kate who...

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The Debt Repayment

by lovinlife0828 on Sep 13, 2017
Loving Wives

The arrival of morning found me sitting out on the deck in deep thought. I had actually been sitting out there most of the night, wondering how I had turned my life into such a mess, and what I could do to make things right. I was jerked back to reality when I heard my wife Meg come outside and say "Good morning Sweetheart. Are you all right? I woke up and...

Starting Over

by REGade on Sep 17, 2017

Where do you go when you've lost everything, your employment, worldly possessions, reputation, and even your self-respect? Do you seek shelter and solace from an ex-wife, an ex-girlfriend or a best friend? Not if you have none of those. Lack of time had prevented me from having more than a brief, passing relationship with the opposite sex, and marriage ha...

The Prince of Thieves Ch. 02

by Useli on Sep 12, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

With a groan he awoke, mind fogged with pain and shoulder ablaze by some fire. He struggled to summon the words to curse at whoever had been foolish enough to brand their Guild Master, whether accidently or purposely. By instinct he turned away from that heat and immediately a fresh wave of pain swept through him from his opposite side, as though he had be...

The Rescue

by Santee110x on Aug 24, 2020
Loving Wives

The doorbell rang. Julia looked up and wondered aloud to her husband, Caleb, "Who in the world could that be at nine on a Saturday morning? Sit still; I'll get it." Julia and Caleb had finished a late breakfast of quiche and fruit on a warm, Biloxi spring morning. They were now leisurely perusing the New Orleans Times-Picayune over cups of fragrant coffee....

Debt Repaid

by lfnikita123 on Sep 13, 2017

You had promised me a night of passion for a new story I had written. Tonight, would be the night you paid your debt off. Little did you know the debt would be so difficult for you to pay. However, sometimes...debts can be fulfilling. Summer had come and gone and the nights were becoming a little colder. You were just finishing up your shower as I was ligh...

A Year in the Life of... Ch. 01

by CharleyBear71 on Sep 15, 2017
Transsexuals & Crossdressers

As he stood watching the woman behind the desk he found it increasingly difficult not to fidget. He didn't know who the woman was but he knew she was some kind of big shot in the company, perhaps even the owner. Chris Pickles, his manager, had been all over her when she arrived, in fact he couldn't have fawned over her anymore if he'd changed his name to Bam...