Crush Cuckold Stories

27,870 results
Infinite Scroll


by mosprophetic on Sep 17, 2017

Wow, this is just great. Who would've guest that I would be laid up in a coma for doing something heroic because in retrospect. I was trying to hide my act of cowardice. Hello I'm Private First Class (PFC) Russell Beckford of the 181st infantry. My Parents are from the Caribbean. Mom, Elaine, being from Haiti, the product of a bi-racial relationship and of w...

The Going Away Party

by mr. robinson on Sep 17, 2017
Loving Wives

"Hello. Hello. I'm home." My usual greeting went unanswered, so I tossed my jacket on a chair and made my way through the house looking for Barbara. Maybe she was napping. Or out in the yard. "Sweetheart, where are you?" No answer, only silence. Then I noticed the house was buttoned up, windows shut, doors locked, and I remembered she told me this morning...

Life Isn't All Singing Ch. 01

by Tamed Heart on Sep 1, 2017
Erotic Couplings

(This is dedicated to my husband who encouraged and "pushed" me to try writing.) * It's a lonely world when you grow up in a broken home. When your parents can't get along and you are pulled from one home to another during visitation, it's hard to understand what you're supposed to take to heart and learn. How in the world she grew up with a sound mind is...

Harri: Face the Slut Within Ch. 02

by thenry on Sep 16, 2017
Toys & Masturbation

We pulled into the parking space. Rain pattered, but if we ran we'd hardly be wet. Jess turned off the car. "You ready to dash?" She grinned. I grinned back. "Is this your idea of making it fun already?" "I aim to deliver, Harriet. Harri." She popped open her door and jumped out. I followed suit. What did she mean by that name? She beat me to the stairs,...

Project MCX: The Mission Pt. 01

by NexusNo9 on Sep 13, 2017
Erotic Horror

Every character is over the age of 19 years. ***** Session 1 - The Moment The helicopter's co-pilot gave her a nervous look. "Miss, please remain in your seat until we've landed!" Agent Fox ignored him. These pilots were taking too many precautions, and thus taking her valuable time. At least the main pilot focused on his job; the co-pilot kept trying to...

Dragon (S)Layers Ch. 20

by T_Silverwolf on Sep 13, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Author's Notes: Hey there! If this is your first time checking out the series, you shouldn't have any problem figuring out where things stand with this chapter/volume, but if you like what you read, please consider taking a look at the first chapter (also on this site and my account). This chapter was brought to you by the very generous donations and pat...

Top Shelf Earps

by MTL17 on Oct 30, 2018
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

Disclaimer: I do not own Wynonna Earp. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. ***** Waverly Earp let out a deep, exhausted sigh as she finally closed the door to her home behind her. Shorty's was regularly short of staff, an unfortunately resulted being small town bar, especially in a town where people were missing regularly. Perhaps mor...

Gaming: D&D Pt. 06

by AspernEssling on Oct 24, 2017
Novels and Novellas

I went into mourning, I guess. There was some second-guessing involved, too. In the end, I couldn't see that I had done anything wrong - or that things would have turned out differently if I had acted otherwise. There was no question that I would miss Jen. But I was honest enough with myself to wonder which I would miss more: Jen, or the incredible sex....

A Perfect Fit Pt. 18

by umami on May 21, 2018

All characters are over 18 years of age. * * * * * Jenni is safely installed in a booth at Danny's. If she listens attentively she can hear the sound of the river below which relaxes her along with the quiet ambiance of the diner. It's not crowded this evening; it's not a place you'd take a date for Valentine's Day. Not if you wanted to get some, anyway....

The Haley Chronicles

by LSanders on Sep 13, 2017

"There are so many really cool things about being in love, you know? You can have the best day imaginable with ... nothing ... just her. Just being alone with her pretty much makes everything okay," Jared said as he sat in the middle of the big round booth at Player's Sport Bar & Grill. "Huh, oh. This does not sound good," Pete remarked as he entered and wa...