Copro Stories

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Dea Clarissa

by SquishGuy on Apr 12, 2015

Mi sveglio in un luogo buio...non so dove sono e non ricordo nulla di cosa sia successo... Mentre cerco di capire che cosa sta accadendo, il terreno inizia a tremare... Una specie di aura si forma di fronte a me...accecandomi per qualche istante... Allora distolgo lo sguardo dalla luce e mi copro gli occhi con la mano destra...What's next? Continua... What...

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KOI 03: Maya the B

by RichCratylus on Oct 6, 2020

Although this episode is one of the more restrained of the Couples Off the Interstate (KOI) collection, the Greater Squick Rule of Classification requires it be entered in the Fetish Category. Maya the B Kaw Valley, Early Autumn, 1970 "Maya the B." How strangely she loved! I guess I could tell you about her, too. Back in the Sixties, the "open relationsh...

Moonlight Window Ch. 02

by PanesOfGlasss on Sep 19, 2017
Group Sex

Thanks to Literotica Member Lazarus Harshaw, native French speaker, currently living in Brussels, Belgium, for help with the French phrases and song lyrics. He responded to my request for help with them. ----------- Moonlight Window - Chapter 2, Deb finds her way into our lives and hearts This resort proved to be far better than we had ever imagined! In t...