Cid Actress Sex Stories Stories

239,854 results
Infinite Scroll

A Wizard's RPG

by Kronic on Mar 14, 2016

Candles flickered inside the Inn while you slowly sip on your mug of ale. It was a cold night and the fires from the harth crackled. It's warmth, a luxury you hadn't had for several nights along the old road. The bar keep, a large portly fellow whom had recently started to go bald was chatting up a fellow customer at the far end of the bar. You smile as you...

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Tales in Slavery Ch. 07

by inka on Sep 16, 2017
Erotic Horror

I woke in a tangle of bloodied sheets. Cid was still out cold at the other end of the bed, his pale toes only inches from my face. The night before, Master Julien and Cid had played with me for hours. I had passed out from their attentions, and it seemed Cid had followed me soon afterward. The late afternoon sunlight gave little light in Cid's room, as I sat...

Tales in Slavery Ch. 04

by inka on Sep 16, 2017
Erotic Horror

Author's Note: I wasn't going to add another note, save for to thank my editor, Talynnda, again for her continued patience, and her superb editing ability. But as that this is a erotic horror submission I would warn my reader that this story is primarily homosexual in nature, but additional content prevented me as submitting it as such. So please read at you...

Tales in Slavery Ch. 03

by inka on Sep 16, 2017
Erotic Horror

Cid smiled as he turned on his heels to retrieve his plate of chicken from the kitchen. I heard my Master and Cid speaking quietly in the kitchen. A few moments later Master passed back though the dining room, the still sleeping slave cradled in his arms. My Master smiled almost lovingly at me, pausing mid-stride as I took a bite of the incredibly tender chi...

Congratulations on Your Pregnancy Ch. 03

by erotic8 on Aug 31, 2017

Visit 3 -- taking Shri shopping *Special thanks to sweet_mahogany for the great editing. Well, two days flew by (thankfully). I was pretty busy and had excited anticipation of what to do with Shri. I arrived at about 11:52 AM in front of the entrance and Shri was ready and waiting. She had come out immediately, before I had even put my car in park. Shri sl...

Final Fantasy 8 Ch. 08

by poopycan on Sep 17, 2017
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

The characters in this fanfic are property of SquareSoft and are in no way affiliated with me. If vivid descriptions of sexual activities offend you, please do not go on. Rinoa awoke in her bed and felt good. She stretched luxuriously under her sheets, smiled and sat up in bed, the sheets tumbling from her nude upper body, exposing her beautiful breasts. An...

The Lawyer and the Killer Ch. 09

by carvohi on Sep 14, 2017

Part Nine Cleaning Up the Mess Two Sudanese soldiers untied and cut the duct tape from his arms, legs, and torso. Battutta, Shawn's sadistic torturer, looked at the men, "Turn him around." They turned him around. To say they turned him was a misnomer. He was so exhausted they had to hold him up. Battutta looked over his handiwork; the exhaustion, the fea...

Corporate Whores

by R. Richard on Sep 14, 2017
Erotic Couplings

I work for Aardvark Industries. We're the big company out in the industrial park on the edge of town. We employ over 11,000 people. A lot of people in town have a place to live and food to eat because of AI. We run a pretty clean operation. If we find someone who lied on their resume, out they go! If we find someone trying to pull a fast one on a customer,...

Tales in Slavery Ch. 08

by inka on Sep 14, 2017
Erotic Horror

It was several minutes before Master joined me on the bed. The Master seemed distraught, not his usual confident self. He removed his clothes without relish and left them where they fell on the floor. His eyes were wide as he crawled onto the bed, and stared down at me for several seconds. Finally, he shook his head as if trying to clear his thoughts, and gr...

The Final Fantasy Pt. 2

by IMRIOTSTAR on Sep 16, 2017
Novels and Novellas

Chapter 1: Need More Gil Cloud needed money but he was tired of fighting for it. His competitors were pathetically skilled street fighters with or without weapons. The money was good and fast, the only reason he had stuck to it. There weren't many fit jobs in Midgar and so Cloud kept fighting. "Bam!" The strong man fell on his back with a clap on the pavem...