Catholic Stories

5,676 results
Infinite Scroll

Illuminati Polka and Vatican Ninjas

by RC_of_Doom on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

I have decided to make this a comedy posting. Why? Recently, I went looking for a book on one end of the crazy spectrum. The book had been (loosely) based on an episode during World War II, and it was supposed to "prove" that Pope Pius XII could not qualify as "Hitler's Pope." Instead, this conspiracy theory had Pope Pius XII using the Jesuits to assassinat...

Religious Based Schools

by PrincessErin on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

In the Province of Ontario, Canada, there is a big discussion ongoing on regarding religious based schools. It is a highly charged discussion with both sides becoming very passionate about their position. The issue at hand is whether religious based education is any better than the publicly funded school system. If the research shows that religious based edu...

Facts About Our Existence

by wistfall1 on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

The word "existence" is used in place of "life" because so far no one has been able to define what exactly life is. That has puzzled many, including Erwin Schrodinger, a Nobel winning physicist who wrote a book titled: "What Is Life". What's more, most of this existence is mostly unknown to most of us. For instance, while we sleep, we may toss and turn ever...

A Treatise

by litjosie on Sep 15, 2017
Reviews & Essays

Hi all! I wrote this a while ago, and thought it would be a nice intellectual accompaniment to my latest audio, "Forgive me, Father." Hugs, Josie -------------------------------------- A Sociological Treatise on the Patriarchy of the Roman Catholic Church Or How My Faith Made Me a Masochist There is no denying that the Catholic church is the most ero...

A Study of the Effects of School Girl Uniforms...

by SensitiveSuccubus on Sep 13, 2017
Humor & Satire

A Study of the Effects of School Girl Uniforms on Adult Males It had been an enigma over time, a complicated puzzle of forced femininity on creatures who by all rights are already feminine, a torture impressed upon helpless young people in order to eliminate individuality and promote mindless conformity. The mystery in question is the Catholic Girl School U...

Devils in The Pulpits

by wistfall1 on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

In this essay, I primarily use the King James Version of the bible (KJV); secondarily, The Catholic Family Connections Bible (New American Bible—NAB); and where appropriate, The New Revised Standard Version (NRSV). Julie, or, anyone wishing to email me should do so through Literotica, and include your Literotica moniker so I can be sure you are on Literotic...

Anna's Nasty Prayers

by KimKim5 on Dec 25, 2018
First Time

Girls at the Blessed Virgin College were told to 'Always be Good.' But it's hard to always be good. All the damn time. That day Anna walked toward her dorm when Nate, a blue eyed hunk drove up in his truck. "Hey Anna wanna go to a party at the river?" The little brunette bit her lip as her pussy tingled. She knew the river was a naughty place. And yes, Ann...

Father Moss Ch. 01

by Nightshade_Angel on Sep 12, 2017

***This story is dedicated to Khai* Father Moss is different from all of the other priests in the school, He isn't stuffy and completely righteous. He is rather worldly if you ask me, and trust me I know. Being sent to a catholic boarding school was not the best thing in the world. Being eighteen in a catholic boarding school is hell. Mind you I have neve...

Fidelma Ann O'Leary: Convert Slut

by Samuelx on Sep 17, 2017
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

Fidelma Anne O'Leary, former Irish Catholic and Professor of Biology at Saint Edwards University in Texas made waves when she converted to Islam. The tall, blonde-haired and green-eyed Anglo-Saxon woman certainly didn't look like the Western world's conception of the average Muslim woman. And for a short while, the story of her awakening, her subsequent reje...

A Bisexual Arab Man in America

by Samuelx on Sep 17, 2017

September 11, 2011 is upon us. The day feared by countless Americans and Arabs worldwide. Will some religious nutcase from the Muslim world try something crazy and finally push the United States toward the complete obliteration of the Arab world? Will Arab-Americans be rounded up like Japanese-Americans were during World War Two after the Japanese Imperialis...