Cannibalism Stories

191 results
Infinite Scroll

Revenge of the Coeds

by Deborah on Sep 15, 2017
Humor & Satire

("Revenge of the Coeds" is yet another true episode in the sexual story of my life. I am purging my soul. Telling of my past "sins" is part of my repentance.) You may recall the real life story "Coffin Candy" that initiated my brief career as a lady of the evening. Angela, Suzanne and I did not get mad. We got even. If you recall, the boys of Phi Gamma Nu...

Prey For Me Ch. 11

by Dvora Sosan on Sep 14, 2017
Novels and Novellas

Pt. XI: The Queen of Hearts Hours later when Jack, Kim and Sam arrived back in Las Vegas, Jack wanted to meet with Thomas Peterson immediately if not sooner. He did. But Peterson wasn't talking. He was dead. The three left immediately for the police impound garage where Peterson's vehicle had been taken. Detective Jimmy DeDad of the Las Vegas Metropolitan...

Christian Right vs the Bible?

by DeniseNoe on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

The Christian Right is famous for its opposition to pornography and sex education. This is ironic in view of the many sordid, even titillating, descriptions of sexual misbehavior in the Holy Bible. A consistent Christian Rightist ought to, for reasons I will show, demand that The Bible -- at least in its' unexpurgated form -- be taken out of public school li...

Brand New Bible for the 'New Age'

by Todd-'o'-Vision on Sep 1, 2017
Humor & Satire

"In the beginning there was an infinite expanse composed of nothing. And it came to pass accidentally and then began to form chemical elements. Then, accidentally, it decided to compress itself into a ping-pong ball. Having done thusly, it verily chose to collapse in on itself to form a pinhead of compact atoms weighing more than 900,000,000,000,000 tons. An...

Lover Come Home Ch. 15

by RoseMontana on Sep 16, 2017
Novels and Novellas

Monday night, in bed Dear V Drove in early this morning from the lake to get to my temporary job, the trial. The stately manner with which it proceeds, punctuated by long pauses, is beginning to get on my nerves. The lawyers and judges are constantly having little private conversations about what is allowable and what isn't for us delicate jurors to hear....

"The Draculas on Dracula"

by DeniseNoe on Sep 14, 2017
Humor & Satire

Denise Noe: How do the two of you feel about your popular incarnations, taken as a whole? Do you like the fictional Count Dracula, or do you dislike him? Your Ladyship? Elizabeth Báthory: I've always felt close to Count Dracula. He had style. Whisking in and out of people's lives, the big dramatic cape, showing off that gleaming smile. A charming fellow. He...

Pervert Action: Origins

by EfonSanguinbull on Feb 18, 2021

<It's so bright!> <Too bright…> <And painful.> <Everything here is so hard?> <Everything hurts.> <Why is this happening to me?> <Where am I?> <I'm burning in this light, but…> <What is this?> <I feel something soft…> <Warm…> <Alive!> <Maybe…> <Yes…> <Is it fo...

Open in Reader

Game Monster

by Cantalope on May 11, 2015
Science Fiction

As the world loads in you rise up, drawing up your power... before unceremoniously flopping onto the ground. What's the point? The heroes would just waltz through and kill you 20 minutes from now. You didn't even get the satisfaction of killing them over and over again like the bosses did. You were just a creep put here so the heroes could farm XP. The more...

Open in Reader

Thrill Kill

by Suvinceus on Apr 3, 2020
Fan Fiction

A young woman with long black hair and blue eyes had already packed everything she wanted and needed for her trip to her new home. At the same time, her parents went outside to speak with her. "Hannah," one of them said, "We're so happy you got into UCLA, and we can't help but be so proud of you." Hannah Winfield, the woman off to college...

Open in Reader

Beneath Her Flesh Ch. 03

by Amnoartist on Sep 12, 2018
Erotic Horror

Written & edited by Amnoartist ====================================== Note: Beneath Her Flesh is a dark horror-themed series with a focus on story and characterisation. Eroticism will likely play a part where appropriate for the plot's benefit and advancement or delving deeper into the characters themselves. There will be no sex just for the sake of it bei...