Bus Gangbang Stories

21,124 results
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World of Possibilities

by stretchingfiction on Mar 1, 2021

So my story begins when I was exploring an old antique shop on the west coast. It was one of those disorganized and dirty older shops. With the dust thick in places and cobwebs clinging to everything out of reach. Had mostly seen the usual junk when an old trunk caught my eye. After haggling with the old shop owner I was able to get him down to 50 and he jus...

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A Girl Without Inhibitions

by yesimdirty on Mar 5, 2019
Erotic Couplings

Hello my name is Lucy and I am a total slut... I love to go without clothing where I can get away with doing that because I love to show off my body! I am petite and Asian with black hair but very good curves and a shapely body and two big tits that hang down sagging a little so you can know they are natural and not full of silicone. I have a round butt that...

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by thucydides on Mar 14, 2017

You wake up on the bus, which is strange considering you don't even remember getting up this morning. Looking around, you notice something is off - you have long hair, and clean clothes, and you're thin, and you have breasts. Your heart starts racing and feel the sudden urge to get some air. You step off the bus to collect your thoughts...What's next? &quot...

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Latina Gangbang

by MACC on Jul 4, 2004
Non-English (dated)

Pablo und Eva Mendez blicken voller Stolz auf ihre älteste Tochter Maria, wie sie vom Direktor der katholischen Mädchenschule ein wahrlich glänzendes Abschlußzeugnis überreicht bekommt. Maria wiederum strahlt glücklich ihre Eltern an, die vor knapp zehn Jahren zusammen mit ihr und ihren jüngeren Schestern als illegale Einwanderer von Mexiko in die USA einger...

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Cheerleader Gangbang

by MACC on Nov 14, 2003
Non-English (dated)

Begleitet von lautstarkem Johlen und Pfeifen besteigt Jessica in ihrer blauroten Cheerleaderuniform den Bus des gegnerischen Basketballteams. Der schwarze Busfahrer kratzt sich am Kinn und starrt begehrlich auf das junge Mädchen. Sie trägt ein kurzes Miniröckchen, unter dem schöne, knackige Schenkel hervorlugen. Das bauchfreie Top, das sie dazu anhat, umspan...

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Grace's Monsoonal Gangbang

by Dazman on Mar 31, 2020

A few weeks following the events described in Asian Downpour, Grace arranged her first gangbang. We'd been in regular contact over that period but had not been intimate. The arrangements were to meet at the Bentley Motel, at the corner of the Albany and Leach Highways this Saturday evening for a 9 pm kick-off. The location was very convenient for me since it...

In The City, City Of Cumpton Ch. 01

by Anachronism on Aug 31, 2017

In The City, City Of Cumpton- Compton Cheerleader Cum Catchers Shonda looked straight into the lens and stuck out her tongue. She was in a sitting dog position at the lip of the bed and her arms were quivering something awful. She was supposed to look ferocious for this shot but it was clear she was going to collapse. She fought gravity and exhaustion by re...

The Dream Slut Chronicles

by Robopoop on Feb 20, 2017
Science Fiction

After a long day at work, you manage to complete your night time routines to crawl onto to bed. Tired from the day's events, you fall into a deep slumber the moment you rest your head on your pillow, drifting off to slowly fall into gestalt lands of endless possibilities both familiar and unknown. Either through some hidden carnal erotic coding deep within y...

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The Casting Couch

by dark8264 on Aug 24, 2016
Erotic Couplings

(Author's note: while this story and the branches in it are based on web sites such as "NetVideoGirls" and "Backroom Casting Couch," I have no claim to their intellectual property, the names of the sites, or anything like that. To be honest, I don't even subscribe to them. Thank you for all the views! I've started five threads on here, on...

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The Fourth Floor of a College Dorm

on Dec 21, 2016
Erotic Couplings

You throw on a red t-shirt and do up your jeans. You know tonight's a big night, lots of chances to make good with the ladies on the floor. You check yourself out in the mirror and figure that you're looking about as good as you're ever going to. You received the unique luxury among the people of your floor through a fluke of paperwork that never got correct...

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