Brainwash Drone Stories

2,831 results
Infinite Scroll

Superheroine Peril

by Omalley99 on Mar 26, 2016

From the outside, it looked like just an ordinary office building. It wasn't particularly old, nor was it run down, it was simply unremarkable. A plain unit in an area full of them, interesting only in how perfectly uninteresting it was. People came and went, as you would expect, mail was delivered, all the normal things that would take place in an office. T...

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by cantdog on Sep 1, 2017
Humor & Satire

Part One: The Real Rules There are so many laws of the road that people seem to be, well, confused about which parts of the code are the most important. And I do hate to see somebody, especially somebody just in front of me when I need to get somewhere, suffering from confusion. So I've prepared this little guide to help these benighted people out. No need...


by HughMungus1 on Dec 25, 2019
Humor & Satire

"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." ― Henry David Thoreau Squirt fountained from the nude BBW beneath me and onto the semen-stained, concrete wall behind her boyfriend's head. "I need to start carrying some sort of to-go cup to these events," I thought to myself, "perhaps a Tupperware container." In o...

Our Drone

by Ashson on Mar 20, 2018
Erotic Couplings

Fred, Mike, and myself are what some people would call nerds. We prefer the term technocrats, although some people seem to think this means technogeeks. They are so wrong. We just like technology and we study it and seek to improve it. Our latest toy was a drone, and it was a good one. Even better after we'd finished modifying it. We took it up for a few f...

BORG Collective Pt. 02

by bladeday on Feb 3, 2020
Transgender & Crossdressers

Prologue In my first story, BORG Collective. I had stumbled upon a chat group obsessed with Star Trek Voyager. Their interests were the BORG Collective. After two nights of interaction in a chat with ten people, they invited me to a Cosplay party. At the party I could join, I had to swear to serve the needs of the Collective and follow all orders given, wit...


by HughMungus1 on Jan 21, 2020
Humor & Satire

"You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil. A good person will resist an evil system with his or her whole soul." ― Mahatma Gandhi Critters crawled from the cracks, as Earth peeled apart, exposing its squirming underbelly. Out here in...

Sensory Deprivation

by Revanto on Sep 28, 2020

* * * * * Click Here to listen: .mp3 format or .ogg format. (11 min/mp3) * * * * * There, that should keep you still for the night. Your hands are tightly bound to the side of your body, legs completely bound together, and mouth stuffed with an inflatable dildo gag. I love watching you try to squirm. You ain’t going anywhere, my little helpless toy. Here,...

The Drone

by fsqueeze on Jul 6, 2020

The first time Biff Kraken saw the drone was on the afternoon of Christmas Day. It had been unseasonably warm—50 degrees, sunny, and calm. His dad pulled out of the driveway. Mom rode shotgun, and he was in the back with his kid brother, Greg. They were off to the movies. "Somebody got a drone," Dad noted, pointing. All looked. Across the street, the Ja...

Genesis Project Ch. 15

by Mr. Marvel on Sep 12, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Perimeter drone Alpha-1 accelerated towards its goal, the distant planet Pluto that hung suspended in space. The drone directed it's sensors onto the planet. Two polar ice caps, atmosphere of methane gas, from the readings the planet was obviously dead. The drone did note one irregularity though. The sensors showed that Pluto had three moons instead of the o...

The Society Ch. 03

by Midnight_owl21 on May 22, 2018
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Hi everybody! I just want to say thanks to everyone who has been reading this story and following it so far. As a new writer on Literotica, it helps to know people are reading my work. As always, feel free to leave feedback or suggestions for me, I'm always open to new ideas and learning more too. I hope you like this chapter! Thanks. ***** "What is Oper...