Bokep Smp Di Kebun Stories

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South Mountain Pack Ch. 14

by pocketbooklover on Sep 25, 2017

I would like to thank hcsd1719 for his help in editing and offering encouragement. Again, there are no actual sex scenes, since the main characters are underage. All italics indicate communication through the mental bond. The complete list of Pack members is on the blog, but if anyone would like an excel spreadsheet of the 'cheat sheet' of Pack members, pl...

South Mountain Pack Ch. 15

by pocketbooklover on Sep 25, 2017

I would like to thank hcsd1719 for his help in editing and offering encouragement, Spiridon for helping me with the Greek translation and mythology and Tammy for keeping me from going off the rails. Again, there are no actual sex scenes, since the main characters are underage. All italics indicate communication through the mental bond. The complete list of...

South Mountain Pack Ch. 13

by pocketbooklover on Sep 25, 2017

I would like to thank pixietammy71, allie, and hcsd1719 for their help in editing and offering encouragement. Again, there are no actual sex scenes, since the main characters are underage. All italics indicate communication through the mental bond. The complete list of Pack members is on the blog, but if anyone would like an excel spreadsheet of the 'cheat...


by heykiza on Mar 16, 2019

Le pale del uh-60 blackhawk su cui ero a bordo fendevano l'aria provocando un leggero sibilo che mi entrava costantemente nelle orecchie, eravamo partiti dalla base Nato Diyarbakir un ora prima del nostro arrivo e per tutto il viaggio rimasi concentrata sull'importanza di quella operazione, cercando di cacciare via ogni mio pensiero e problema personale. L'a...

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La partita

by SeriousBrainDamage on Mar 12, 2018
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

La strada scorreva liscia sotto le ruote della Ypsilon nera. Non c'era fretta, ma Carolina aveva sempre avuto il piede pesante ed in più era una che detestava anche solo l'idea di arrivare in ritardo. Figurarsi poi alla sua prima partita ufficiale. All'orizzonte dense nubi grige si addensavano coprendo a tratti il sole, forse avrebbe piovuto, ma sperava che...

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Nick Watches Di Ch. 04

by gripman on Sep 13, 2017
Loving Wives

Nick's boss, Jo, was beautiful and sexy; a long legged lesbian with short, red hair. He had had many fantasies about seeing her naked and in action with one of her lovers. With the things going on sexually with his wife, Nick had begun to fantasize about Di and Jo. What with the activity between Di and Bobbie, Nick began to see the possibility that he might...

Nick Watches Di Ch. 11

by gripman on Sep 13, 2017
Loving Wives

In just a couple of days, Di received a call from Betty about their "tea". She decided to discuss it with Nick. "Honey, I've been invited to Betty's for tea tomorrow. It's a workday. What should I do?" she inquired of him. "He's an important guy at work. He has the say so about my promotion and I wouldn't want to offend his wife. Could you take the day off...

Kiss Her

by BlueFish11 on Sep 17, 2017
Loving Wives

"Kiss her. If you meant what you said, kiss her." Samantha's husband said as he slid to the edge of the sofa; sipping his gin and tonic. "You have joked about it for a long time -- so back your mouth with your actions." Sam turned to Diane, a little unsteady on her feet after the bucket of margaritas on the deck. Diane licked her lips nervously. Sam stepped...

La Torre Di David

by ULISSE on Sep 17, 2017
Erotic Couplings

Pansessualismo, cioè riconoscere nell'istinto sessuale l'origine e la causa primaria del comportamento degli individui. Istinto, tendenza innata. Impulso, sollecitazione interiore più forte della ratio, della ragione. Ma è proprio necessaria questa prefazione? Forse no, perché le manifestazioni sessuali, che iniziano alla nascita, sono quelle maggiorment...

Rehab and the Nurse's Submission

by Tickletorture on Sep 14, 2017

A special story written for a special person in my life. Chapter 1 "Drug embarrassing.." Beth thought to herself as she clutched her knapsack to chest..And, what made it all the more humiliating was that her mother was right in from of her, checking her daughter in to the 30 day recovery center. Beth thought this whole situation was being over...