Bokep Di Mobil Stories

1,674 results
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Seduction at Tim Hortons

by SRV524 on Sep 14, 2017
Erotic Couplings

Editor's Note: Semi-true story- All of the events in the beginning happened, yet I'm working on trying to seduce her. Mission currently at 15% complete =0) And in this story, my size is accurate, unlike the other ones. I work at Mobil, which has a Tim Hortons in it; the only one for 15 miles because we're out in the country in the middle of nowhere. I usual...

die unsäglichen Geschichten des Traktionismus

by Truthahn on Jan 17, 2020
Non-English (dated)

Nach dem 60 Minuten Krieg war alles vernichtet. Der moderne Mensch hat die Welt, so wie wir sie kennen zum Untergang gebracht, mit seiner hoch entwickelten Waffentechnologie. Aber Einige haben Überlebt. Sie bauten Ihre Städte wieder auf. Um in dieser zerstörten Welt leben zu können mussten die Städte mobil sein. Es waren riesige Gebilde, die auf Rädern und R...

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Der Spritzgussbetrieb

by gurgel on Sep 26, 2019
Group Sex

Ich habe am Wochenende, an dem wir unseren Abschluss machten, meinen Highschool-Freund geheiratet. Mein Name ist jetzt Pamela Simpson, Meine Jungfräulichkeit habe ich an Jimmy verloren, als wir in der 10. Klasse waren. Wir waren so daran interessiert, unser Leben in Gang zu bringen, dass keiner von uns Pläne für das College hatte. Jimmys Vater hatte ihm eine...

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Honey Smart

by shooter3704 on Sep 16, 2017
Interracial Love

Honey Smart is my real name, believe it or not. It's on my birth certificate. On the very day I was born my daddy found and robbed a bee tree and got a lard bucket full of honey. My red hair is natural and so is everything else about me. Everyone always ask me, how did I start being a whore? Well, that's a good question. You have to understand that I came...

Car Talk


I got married shortly after I bought my New Yorker. I kept it for 7 years before selling it to my brother, who kept it for another 5 years. I bought a brand new '79 Pontiac Grand Am, 4 door sedan. We were talking about kids and even thought I wanted something more befitting my male testosterone, like a Mustang or a Camaro, I settled for the Grand Am. Now,...

Queen Anne Theater Ch. 01

by red170 on Sep 13, 2017
Loving Wives

THE FIRST TIME AT THE QUEEN ANNE THEATRE. It all began with a visit to the Queen Anne Theatre. The Queen Anne was a stately old theatre in Bergen County, New Jersey. It specialized in showing hard-core porno movies. The wife and I had gone to this Theatre many times to see the latest porno movies, we found that watching these movies could really improve o...

Singaporean Party Girl Ch. 03

by Tyngha on Sep 15, 2017
Interracial Love

Having just turned 18 I was in an adventurous mood, my friends and I were nite clubbing and bar hopping on Fridays and Saturdays, I was seeing Steve once or twice a week, going to the gym twice a week and working 30 hours a week at KFC, what a boring job but it was income. Sex had become a part of life for me and it was constantly on my mind, except for tho...

Wanda, the Starliner, and Me Pt. 03

by coaster2 on Sep 1, 2017
Humor & Satire

Chapter 5: Tucker Makes a Call Daddy 'n' Tucker were the best of friends. I didn't know it at the time, but Tucker had been givin' my Daddy bigger shares of the Busted Branch station each year. He'd been doin' real well with both stations, an' figured Daddy had earned anythin' he got. By the time we'd been there ten years, our share of the station rose up t...


by heykiza on Mar 16, 2019

Le pale del uh-60 blackhawk su cui ero a bordo fendevano l'aria provocando un leggero sibilo che mi entrava costantemente nelle orecchie, eravamo partiti dalla base Nato Diyarbakir un ora prima del nostro arrivo e per tutto il viaggio rimasi concentrata sull'importanza di quella operazione, cercando di cacciare via ogni mio pensiero e problema personale. L'a...

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La partita

by SeriousBrainDamage on Mar 12, 2018
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

La strada scorreva liscia sotto le ruote della Ypsilon nera. Non c'era fretta, ma Carolina aveva sempre avuto il piede pesante ed in più era una che detestava anche solo l'idea di arrivare in ritardo. Figurarsi poi alla sua prima partita ufficiale. All'orizzonte dense nubi grige si addensavano coprendo a tratti il sole, forse avrebbe piovuto, ma sperava che...

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