Best Bbq Irvine Stories

203,603 results
Infinite Scroll

Final Fantasy 8 Ch. 04

by poopycan on Sep 13, 2017
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

The characters in this fanfic are property of SquareSoft and are in no way affiliated with me. If vivid descriptions of sexual activities offend you, please do not go on in your reading. One rainy Saturday afternoon several months after the destruction of Sorceress Ultimecia, Selphie lay on her bed in her dorm room. She was feeling extremely restless and qu...

Final Fantasy 8 Ch. 01

by poopycan on Sep 13, 2017
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

The characters in this fanfic are property of SquareSoft and are in no way affiliated with me. If vivid descriptions of sexual activities offend you, please do not go on in your reading. Rinoa, Squall, Selphie, Zell, Irvine and the pigtail girl whose name was Mima were still sitting around a table in the cafeteria talking, after they had eaten dinner. Rinoa...

Final Fantasy 8 Ch. 02

by poopycan on Sep 17, 2017
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

The characters in this fanfic are property of SquareSoft and are in no way affiliated with me. If vivid descriptions of sexual activities offend you, please do not go on in your reading. Selphie brought her “boss hog” to a screeching stop in the front of the pub in Dollet. It was actually just a 250cc motorbike, but she just loved the way it felt when she h...

A Lesson for Professor

by HeavenlyGates on Sep 12, 2017

There were only a few things that annoyed Eric Jones. The first thing was when his students didn't do their work, the second thing was when his friend, Sean, bothered him while he was teaching, and the third was working in the teacher's lounge during his vacation. He hated when it was his turn to catch up on paper work and the worst thing about it is it's hi...

Final Fantasy 8 Ch. 06

by poopycan on Sep 13, 2017
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

The characters in this fanfic are property of SquareSoft and are in no way affiliated with me. If vivid descriptions of sexual activities offend you, please do not go on in your reading. One week following the destruction of Sorceress Ultimecia and the world being returned to normalcy, Zell, Irvine, Selphie and the pigtail girl were sitting around an early...

Final Fantasy 8 Ch. 05

by poopycan on Sep 13, 2017
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

The characters in this fanfic are property of SquareSoft and in no way affiliated with me. If vivid descriptions of sexual activities offend you, please do not go on. A few months after Selphie was so instrumental in helping to defeat Sorceress Ultimecia, she decided to orchestrate a new Garden Festival. Rinoa was beginning to feel some excitement concerni...

Final Fantasy 8 Ch. 08

by poopycan on Sep 17, 2017
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

The characters in this fanfic are property of SquareSoft and are in no way affiliated with me. If vivid descriptions of sexual activities offend you, please do not go on. Rinoa awoke in her bed and felt good. She stretched luxuriously under her sheets, smiled and sat up in bed, the sheets tumbling from her nude upper body, exposing her beautiful breasts. An...

The eDen Project

by Cheddr Bob on Mar 19, 2010
Science Fiction

Jonas stared at the window, the rain hammering against the panes. It had been raining almost constantly for two weeks. At least it wasn't as bad as last week. The rain had been so heavy the week before that the dirt-track back down into Seven Lakes - a rustic town so stuck-in-the-past that they were still using horse and cart to get around - had been washed...

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Monica from Apartment 37

by EgmontGrigor2020 on Dec 24, 2019

By EgmontGrigor2020 Chapter 1 Monica Adams (25), leading actress in a new family drama TV series, 'Suitors Wanted', in its third week of rehearsals/filming, was being dropped off at her real-life home, her parent's apartment in Chelsea, by a studio bodyguard. Monica had recordings of receiving three anonymous calls from a suspected crank. The driver, he...

Reunions Aren't All Bad

by the_apocalypse on Sep 13, 2017

The last time I stepped through the school gates was seven years ago, when I was eighteen, but now I had received an invite to the yet another school reunion. Every year at the same time one of these dropped through the letter box, and every year I picked it up and threw it straight in the bin. I just couldn't see the point of going back to a place where I h...