Bdsm Stories Nc Stories

95,946 results
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Three Great Films about BDSM

by Nick_Faraway on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | #3. "BELLE DE JOUR" | Direction: Luis Buñuel | Released: 1967 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This eroticly-charged drama is both a darling of world cinema and a masterpiece in the pantheon of surreal film-making. For film buffs, it sh...

Adventures of a Literotica Author

by The Style Guy on Jun 3, 2019
Group Sex

Authors Note: Between April 2008 and May 2008, I submitted a total of five stories under the name tantric_explosion. I no longer remember the email address I used for my Lit membership, for that author name. I found the final drafts of each story and with permission from Literotica, I am resubmitting the stories, under my long time name - The Style Guy. T...

Adventures of a Literotica Author

by tantric_explosion on Sep 17, 2017
Group Sex

Note: Have you ever wondered why so many write Erotic stories? I suspect, for some it's a way to fantasize. Others use writing as a way to relieve themselves of sexual frustrations. And for others . . . well read my story and find out. Thanks to a great Wyoming legal secretary, for her editing and help. L -- You did a great job. Thanks! Enjoy, t_e * "I'l...

Don’t Make Horny Enemies

by pornsleuth6 on Oct 24, 2020
Fan Fiction

There is an uncomfortable truth about almost every show/book/movie/comic featuring a female heroine that fights crime, injustice, or evil; almost everyone they meet wants to fuck them. I mean come on what's hotter than an already conventionally hot lady facing evil head on. I refuse to believe that the villains aren't feeling that as well. Being obsessed wit...

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The College Adventure

by ArsenicUser29 on Sep 30, 2020

A bit different: This is meant to be a catalogue of college experiences, embellished a bit, and made entertaining. I (the author) will start, anyone is welcome to add their own stories though. Hopefully this isn’t too boring, although it’s only my second story. UPDATE: This story will remain a stub until further notice. Just not enough time to waste on writi...

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Fantasy Fulfilled

by rdodger on Oct 12, 2017

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License (by-nc-sa). In jurisdictions where the Creative Commons license is not recognized, United States copyright and Berne Convention provisions apply; all rights reserved to Rajah Dodger except that electronic not-for-profit reproduction rights are ex...

The Curse of Arnford Manor

by mythtrav16 on Sep 15, 2017
Erotic Horror

CHAPTER I: Stages Holliston, NC July 22nd, 1912, 10:15pm. With little more than the hazy moon to light his way, Charlie parted ways with Enos and Tom, his friends from the cannery and followed his own street home. The chilly night air was unusually still; Charlie couldn't hear any crickets chirping, only the dull, regular beating of his own boots upon the...


by Flavian on Sep 16, 2017
Loving Wives

Copyright © 2015 by Flavian My thanks to Harry R for helping to edit this beast into some semblance of readability. Infidelity? Oh ... There's an App for that ... I guess that you could say that my world started on that slow downhill slide into a shit pile while I was waiting out the airline rescheduling in Milwaukee. They had me grounded overnight becaus...


by Cosmicbeauty1 on Nov 11, 2020

Chapter 1 – Le Rosbif England 2084. It was a warm sunny day in April, and the clocks were chiming nineteen It had been a twelve-hour long, long tiring day on her toes for Amanda: a long tiring day entirely literally on the top-tip-top-tip of her big toes. Amanda Heavensent wore the uniform of the "Le Rosbif" roadside restaurant chain, a new favouri...

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Massage Choices in Houston Ch. 01

by massageguy64 on Oct 13, 2017
Erotic Couplings

I have too many options... Ok, if you have read any of my other entries you will see that I have written about how I got hooked on massage parlors. I have decided to jump ahead to the present and explain my dilemma of the last six months. Once again, these stories may not have the intricate details of other stories you may read. I am relaying my actual exper...