Bb Stories Sissy Stories

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Special Girls

by chloevargas on Jul 15, 2020
Transgender & Crossdressers

We get together every Thursday at lunch. Our friend Emilio loves having us, tells us we add some glamour to the place. His little restaurant is popular enough that we're lucky to have a standing reservation for luncheon late in the week. Should one of us be absent, we buy her meal and wine anyway else Emilio glare at the empty seat. Ricki is our waitress, a...

Created in the Image of a Superior Being Ch. 02

by alyssawinters on Apr 15, 2020
Transgender & Crossdressers

'Created in the image of a superior being.' pt 2 Philip Meyer needed to counter balance the dominance he recently experienced from Gloria. He had been cultivating the twenty-something male bike messenger Brendan for some time. His shock of unkempt red hair reaching his shoulder the thin framed 25 year old male locked up his bike on the street pole before wa...

Miles's Conundrums Ch. 05

by justincbenedict on Sep 16, 2017

It seemed like forever, standing in the corner. My dick still stung and my butt felt like ground beef. Gretchen seemed to have forgotten my existence. Staring into a corner is terribly boring, and I couldn't seem to entertain myself because I was in so much pain from the whipping. I assumed that Gretchen would eventually forgive me and invite me over for...

Lust In The Afternoon

by bbkradwell on Sep 16, 2017

Sharon looked out the window as the evening drew nearer. It was raining again, and it was almost dark because of the clouds. Glancing at the clock, she knew her husband wouldn't be home for at least four hours. Smiling to herself, she ran to the closet. Sorting through her jackets, she pulled out a barely opaque, almost clear raincoat. Shrugging out of her s...

Playboy Files: Nurse Gets Treatment

by dfg1980 on Sep 13, 2017
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

This story is obviously of a fictional nature. It is not suitable for anybody under the age of 18. I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to email me with any thoughts or comments that you may have on this piece. This is part of a series that will take place over the course of nearly a decade involving various women of the wrestling business. My name is Chuck Wil...

Happy Birthday Baby

by LeaRN57 on Sep 17, 2017

For those who know me from my stories, you know that I love sex. You also know that I'm a plump, voluptuous, red headed, mature woman. And you know that I like relating my sexual experiences. I certainly hope you enjoy reading about them. This one takes place a few years ago when I wasn't so mature or so plump. I was seeing a wonderful man who was all that...

brookie: About Last Week

by bbkradwell on Sep 13, 2017

Hi, kiddies, brookie here. my Master (you all know him as BB) is taking a well-deserved rest at the moment and i thought i'd take a few minutes to address you all on this site. i'm not telling him that i'm doing this, i figure he'll just have to be surprised when he opens his email and finds this, after i leave, later in the week. [Tee hee hee!] (And i know...

Beth's Birthday Pass Pt. 03

by texxman on Feb 12, 2019
Loving Wives

Author's Notes This is part 3 of "Beth's Birthday Pass". I've been intrigued recently with stories about "Get Out Of Jail Free" passes. This is a pass given by one partner to the other allowing the other partner to have sex with someone else one time. In the stories similar to the one here the pass is given by a guy to his girlfriend in order to convince h...

Lit. Forum Fantasy Ch. 03

by Abner Devereaux on Sep 16, 2017
Novels and Novellas

A Lit Forum member inspired this story. This story is about someone I met recently. I have been living and working in Phoenix for the last 5 years. My relationship was not going well and needed some excitement. I have lurked around Lit for quite some time. I decided to join and see what it was all about and maybe try my hand at doing some writing. In a very...

One Plus Two Equals Fun

by bbkradwell on Sep 17, 2017

I'd taken the red-eye into O'Hare to visit her. I'd been waiting at the airport, for forty-five minutes, for her to pick me up. She was late. I was frustrated. My temper was only exacerbated by the jet~lag I was feeling and I knew that if I were to drive a car on the "Dan Ryan" and get cut off by another driver, road rage would cause me to run the fucker...