Assassin Stories

2,159 results
Infinite Scroll

All Hallow's Eve

by DocCIS on Sep 13, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Author's Note: This is a story I wrote almost ten years ago and had completely forgotten about, recently discovering it while cleaning up my hard drive. It was going to be a multiple chapter series; however, thought it would make a perfect submission for the Halloween event so submitting in its entirety. I hope you enjoy and vote favorably! * "Mr. Wilcox?"...

Melancholy Jeannie

by cowboy109 on Sep 16, 2017
Novels and Novellas

Melancholy Jeannie was a fine, young thing strutting her long smooth legs in a tiny, tight jeans cutoff. That bright red painted mouth of hers pouted upset. Behind the deeply black makeup of her eyes was deep despair. Her black high heels tick-tocked on the wooden porch. Caged like a pretty bird, the expanse of muddy fields and partially plowed over wheat st...

Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 01 Ch. 17-20

by EmotionalStorm on Mar 27, 2019
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Silvertree Chronicles Book One, The World Awaits Synopsis: The life of Eldar Silvertree from graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy and desires to leave it behind; only to return full circle to shake Elven Society to the core. *** Inspired by multiple RPG gaming universes but not endorsed by the former or current owners of the franchises. © EmotionalS...

Three Square Meals Ch. 53

by Tefler on Sep 18, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Dana and Rachel both looked delighted when they strolled into the hangar with Associate Bhaken, and they waved jubilantly at John, Alyssa, and Irillith who were waiting by the Raptor gunship with Jade. The two girls spoke earnestly with their Trankaran guide for a moment, thanking him for being such an excellent host as they waved him goodbye, before jogging...

Starlight Gleaming Ch. 15

by TJSkywind on Sep 18, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Assassins, and then Sparanztlo, the Seventh Hell by T.J.Skywind © Please note that this chapter contains some very dark elements, including sections of indirectly describing torture and non-consensual male on male anal rape. While I am not personally a fan of BDSM, I am aware enough to know that those practitioners are generally ethical in their behavi...

Maxine's New Life Ch. 13a

by carniegirl on Sep 15, 2017

101 A Pain In The Ass I rented the unit to Cheryl under her own name. I was assured that the payments would be coming from an account she controlled. Johnathan Hunter also assured me that he would not be staying in the unit more than 72 hours at any one time, ever. If that did come to pass, he would allow me to add his name to the lease. He also understood...

Shilana's Trial

by Blind_Justice on Sep 16, 2017
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Author's Notes: This is the sequel to "Leo and the Dragon", which you can also find here on Literotica. To fully enjoy this story, you might want to go back and read that one first, although I've tried my best to make this as accessible as possible. A huge "Thank you" for all the people who helped refine this tale. You know who you are. As always, there a...

Three Square Meals Ch. 130

by Tefler on Jun 15, 2020
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Three Square Meals Ch. 130 Calara pulled back from Jack and they shared a warm smile, revelling in the new sense of closeness between them. Feeling giddy with emotion, she rode a euphoric high of relief at finally being able to put aside months of worry. Out of all Calara's family members, it had always been her father's reaction to her amazing new life tha...

Blood Servant Pt. 01

by Magicwrtr on Aug 31, 2020
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Hey all, the following is book one in a new harem urban fantasy adventure. It has all the usual elements of one of my fantasy works, no group sex in this one though, but that'll come in book two. Lots of MF scenes however, more than usual, but they're all kind of necessary for plot and character development and some are very shorthanded. Anyway, this one's a...

Play Testers Wanted Pt. 14

by Lost Boy on Sep 21, 2020
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

Finally!! I am so sorry this beast took so long to come into being. I hope you enjoy this and I will do my best to speed things along. Take care of yourselves, be safe, and feel free to vote and comment. A Pirate's Life for Me: "Inertial dampeners are failing!" Screeched Mr. Gimmick. "Down to fifteen percent Captain!" "Expand tactical display!" I ordered....