Lesbian Taken Stories

7,510 results
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The Impossible Girl Ch. 01

by sumwyln on Sep 16, 2017
Lesbian Sex

A note from the author (boring stuff): I'm not entirely sure how well this will encode online, but only time will tell. Angelica speaks English, however it has been transcribed differently to normal; using different characters formerly used in old English, and some others which I have taken to replace other common sounds in our language. (Note: these sounds...

Sports Trip Lesbian Surprise

by SalnMal on Sep 13, 2017
Lesbian Sex

This story is based on information from my wife after her naughty trip recently, written predominantly in her words, with a little added description where necessary. Sally, (my wife) admitted her affair and gradually enlightened me to the details of the fling with a school teacher on her trip. Much of this was by email, as I often work away from home. Some...

Raging Thunder, Beating Hearts

by fawnie on Sep 14, 2017
Lesbian Sex

As I drove down the road I couldn't stop thinking about how we had met, I knew we we're anything but typical. She was a big shot business executive from the high rises in Dallas, and I was a small town farm girl with distant dreams and aspirations of being a famous author. I knew you didn't have to look very closely at me to know I'd tasted the painful s...

Serena and the Flutist

by patricia51 on Sep 16, 2017
Lesbian Sex

(This story takes place shortly after the previous Serena story "A Night at the Symphony". Some familiarity with Serena from the previous stories might help move the story along.) I was absolutely right. She did fit right in my lap. I thought she would, so that wasn't a surprise. What was a surprise though was that she seemed to be a mighty aggressive woman...

Mom & Daughter are Lesbians Ch. 01

by MADMADMADMAXine on Sep 13, 2017
Lesbian Sex

Please vote. Please give me the support of your vote. There are no underage characters in this story. All characters are over the age of 18-years-old. * Laura travels to Vermont to be with her lesbian lover, Elizabeth. It all started when Liz kissed her at a cocktail party in Manhattan. It all started when Liz invited her to spend the weekend with her a...

The Beast

by Jack T. Ladd on Sep 16, 2017
Lesbian Sex

This, a true story, has been gleaned from the private diaries of a lesbian woman living in London in 1932, and they have only recently come to my attention. Julia began to write down her experiences in order to try and come to terms with what she endured. She was then, and very unusually for that time, involved in early investigations into what was then call...

A Taste of Grace

by PrincessS85 on Sep 12, 2017
Lesbian Sex

Gracie slammed the door, letting her purse slide down her arm to thud against the shiny light brown floorboards. Her roommate, Juline, poked her head out of her room at the commotion. "I've had it," Gracie informed her. "Men are scum." "Come, now. It can't be that bad," Juline assured her. "There are some...granted, hard to find...good ones out there." "...

My New Neighbour

by qualitywheat on Sep 12, 2017
Lesbian Sex

It was Saturday morning, my husband had gone for his usual game of golf, which gave me most of Saturday to myself, that I loved, I could clean the apartment or leave it, go shopping or not, rest and catch up with friends; the day was my very own quality time. It was 9:00am, when I heard noises from the apartment next door, it had been empty for 2 months now...

Captain Of Her Heart Ch. 14

by velvetpie on Sep 19, 2017
Lesbian Sex

My cell phone blazed all night and I ended up turning off after an hour of calls from Alisa. I didn't want to talk to her. I didn't want to hear her soft voice. I didn't want to think of the nights I'd slept in her arms or the exquisite heights to which she'd taken me. I just wanted to turn everything off and crawl into a dark hole. Of course, it was a stupi...

Captain of Her Heart Ch. 08

by velvetpie on Sep 19, 2017
Lesbian Sex

Another sleepless night and not even coating my fingers with pussy cream three times could bring it. This time, it wasn't simply a question of what I was feeling but the knowledge that she possibly felt the same way and had left the ball in my court. I had no idea what I was going to do. The lone wolf in me wanted things to remain the same. Part of me wanted...