Lesbian Swimsuit Stories

403 results
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Summer Song

by smj54ap on Sep 16, 2017
Lesbian Sex

"Hey Candace, break time," I yelled through cupped hands at the pretty Nordic looking blonde on the lifeguard chair. With tremendous agility, Candace climbed down and sprinted for the ladies locker room. After spending three hours on the lofty perch, a much needed bathroom break was in order. I gazed at the retreating figure with longing. While most of my...


by JUDO on Sep 16, 2017
Lesbian Sex

I felt warm. I opened my eyes and looked around. The windows were full of sunlight and I was wrapped in a comforter on the couch. I sat up. I was naked and a shower was running. "What happened? Where was I?" I thought. A fleshy ten-inch dildo was on the end table--Annette's apartment! I began to recall the morning's activities. I stood and stretched to the...

Toy Story

by UTOutdoorGirl on Sep 14, 2017
Lesbian Sex

These stories are meant for people who are Adults. If you are not at least 18 years old, or are offended by erotic or sexual material, please do not read. I post the entire story each time so that people do not ask me to send them the earlier parts each time. The story is a work in progress that sometimes changes in addition to being added to. If you like t...

Stevie and Emma

by WarmHander on Aug 8, 2018
Lesbian Sex

As the two well-wrapped figures made their way quickly through the quiet streets on an increasingly stormy Sunday afternoon it was clear that the forecasters had been extremely accurate in predicting a dramatic change in the weather over a 24-hour period, as a band of heavy rain, with storm force winds, came hurtling in from the Atlantic Ocean. The temperatu...

Freshman Week Ch. 03: Best Friends

by CommonSenseMedia on Mar 9, 2020
Lesbian Sex

September 23rd: Charlotte hadn't had many friends before she left for college. It was a common problem among homeschooled children. There had been her sister, her cousins, and a few kids from church, but that had been it. Her mom had promised her that would change with time. For the first time, she was starting to believe her. "Do you want to grab any...

Halloween Party at Willamette

by Kansas on Sep 14, 2017
Lesbian Sex

It is a truth, universally acknowledged, that a pretty young female cheerleader showing off her cute little body in a skimpy uniform is going to interest athletes. Yes, that means guys, but I'm ALSO including female athletes, as they like ogling pretty girls in cheerleader outfits, as well! I should know! I have inside experience, which I will now relate. F...

Heather's Busy Week Pt. 05

by LimeyLady on Sep 18, 2017
Lesbian Sex

CHAPTER ELEVEN (Tuesday, 23rd April 2002) Heather woke disorientated. Eventually, once she'd convinced herself she wasn't drunk or still dreaming, she realized she was upside down in someone else's bed. Upside down with a pair of alien feet under her nose. The lights were off and dawn hadn't yet broken, so she went by touch and smell. Quickly deducing the...

Seema's Journey Ch. 04

by iTaboo on Sep 19, 2017
Lesbian Sex

Seema had only managed two hours sleep. Even that had been fitful. Her feet felt well and truly battered and bruised. She had run all the way from Barney's back to her apartment, a full five miles. At some point, she had taken her high heeled shoes off to run barefoot, save for her stockings, and by the time she had reached home her stockings had shredded, l...

Ile des Femmes: The Red Room

by blondsubles on Oct 30, 2018
Lesbian Sex

"Oh God Jess, it was amazing!" "I told you it would be. How was she?" A low murmur came the reply. Chastity strained to hear what was said but couldn't make out the words. Her mother's laugh followed by "Oh man, I told you she was an incredible fuck." shocked Chastity. Mom hated foul language and only said it when she was really angry. "Yeah, you were ri...

Sugar Sand Cay

by saintlimey on May 12, 2020
Lesbian Sex

Rhonda saw that Ocean, despite her nautical name, hadn't earned her sea legs yet. The college junior had an empty pill bottle of sea sickness medication to appeal to for proof of her will to make the trip. Still, she spent most of her journey doubled over the portside deck, a hurling, retching mess. According to Michelle, Rhonda's niece and Ocean's frien...