Lesbian Submissive Blondes Stories

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Affection from Next Door

by krazygene_us on Sep 16, 2017
Lesbian Sex

Two neighbours fall in love but each remains hesitant to pursue the other, however when the sparks begin to fly nothing will contain their passions. This story is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, event...

Jill's World Ch. 06

by Panthergirl on Nov 26, 2018
Lesbian Sex

The 6:00 alarm went off for the third time. I hit the snooze button — the four hours of sleep I had managed were clearly not sufficient to get out of bed. Five minutes later, I was about to slap the snooze again when I heard a knock at the door. "Don't hit it again Carrie." My step-mother-kind-of, Kelly giggled from the hall. I groaned and climbed out of...


by Writer345 on Sep 26, 2017
Lesbian Sex

This is my first attempt at an erotic story and I would be very interested to receive any comments that you may have. I normally write Science Fiction and there is perhaps a hint of that in this story (old Habits die hard). Hope you enjoy it. Day One– The Girl. It was wrong... It was a silly thing to do but I did it anyway... After all, it never happens to...


by MercuryLove31 on Sep 19, 2017
Lesbian Sex

I love butches. In particular, I love a butch who knows she's a butch. A butch that owns her masculinity, is not afraid to spend a little money on a piece of eye candy such as myself...who knows how to treat a lady like a lady. So, when this caramel colored, statuesque accountant at my office, with shoulder length dreadlocks and dimples to die for, asked me...

Aidan and Katie Ch. 06

by CABONE on Sep 13, 2017
Lesbian Sex

I was a little dazed after this latest encounter. She really was just teasing me. I realized that I needed to come up with something to get her back. I normally didn't think in these terms and that was a problem for me. I sat on the bed for a few minutes before remembering how Aidan reacted to my volleyball shorts. I grinned and went to my dresser. I pulled...

Emily's Home - Ginger's Out Ch. 05

by AVixenLiterally on Sep 13, 2017
Lesbian Sex

Emily Goes Home - Ginger Comes Out By A Vixen Literally© *** Week Five *** Lily's kiss on my shoulder woke me Monday. I rolled over to my gorgeous brown eyes gleaming with love and ... oh my! Looks like I'm going to be a bit late for work. Lily whispered something about revenge. I am such a big fan of her notion of revenge. Poor Tammy ... she just didn't...


by krr1957 on Dec 25, 2019
Lesbian Sex

This story contains themes of dominance and submission in a lesbian setting. If you think you might be offended by such material please try a different story. The Catalyst Chapter One It had been at least fifteen years since I last interviewed a candidate in person, certainly not since I had taken the company public, and I was twenty-four then. Those fift...

2 Alliance Square

by JimBob44 on Nov 18, 2019
Lesbian Sex

*Author's Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. *Disclaimers: This story has been edited by myself, utilizing Microsoft Spell-check. You have been forewarned; expect to find mistakes. *.* *.*.* "Again, Mr. Sullivan, your name is not on the lease. Your name is not on ANY the paperwork with Prescott P...

Beloved of Ashura: Learning to Fly

by -Ripley- on Sep 14, 2017
Lesbian Sex

More than most of my stories, I owe a debt of gratitude to my editors, Terry and Snow. They did much more than just check spelling. Both of them helped to refine and improve the story. This is the first story where I substantially rewrote it once I had a version done. That turns out to be quite a bit harder than writing it in the first place. In particular,...

Looking at the Sun

by careythomas on Apr 3, 2019
Lesbian Sex

Acknowledgments Thank you to all of you who have written me with feedback on my previous submissions. A big thank you each to Ripley and JumbledMind for being my capable counselors in this new endeavor. Their thoughtful contributions have certainly made everything about this story better. Preface I was about to start tinkering with the next part of Alex a...