Lesbian Lust Stories

5,571 results
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White Lies

by LaRascasse on Sep 19, 2017
Lesbian Sex

Hey there, fellow Litsters! This is my first foray into the Lesbian category so I sincerely hope I do a good enough job. Please do drop your valuable votes, comments and private feedback to let me know how I fared. I am writing this story on the request of SAbitch. Hence, if I did a good job, credit me, and if I didn't, blame her for coaxing this story. :P...

The Bodyguard

by SkylerLuv on Nov 26, 2019
Lesbian Sex

It feels like forever since I have posted a story. Here is a sweet one for you all. Enjoy! XOXO SkylerLuv ****** My lungs are on fire. The rhythmic pattern of my feet hitting against the treadmill begin to slow. I jog the last ten minutes to cool down. The cool water traveling down my throat helps some of the burn but it doesn't completely get rid of it....

The Empath Cycle: 2001 It Takes One - Book 1

by AnAngelReally on Sep 19, 2017
Lesbian Sex

Book 1 2001 -- It takes one Prologue Jade Summers is half-way through her rigorous daily training regimen. As she returns to the university grounds after her hour long run in the park on the nearby Mont Royal, she spots the now familiar t'ai chi ch'uan practitioners as they go through their sets of forms. She can see those two young women are no amateurs....

Cowboy Girls

by Alex the Cat on Sep 25, 2017
Lesbian Sex

The red Honda Civic rental car came to a halt in the dirt driveway. A small figure exited the vehicle, and sighed as she looked at where she would now be living. This was her first time seeing the ranch style house in person. It looked just like the photo the real estate agent showed her, and she was grateful for that. Weeks ago she had made the arrangements...

Berry's Second Chances Ch. 02

by PacoFear on Sep 25, 2017
Lesbian Sex

Author's Note: This two-chaptered story was motivated by a sufficient number of nice folks asking me variations of the following question: "So whatever happened to Berry from 'Strawberries & Bubblegum'?" Don't worry, you don't have to be one of these people, or even understand the question they posed, to find "Berry's Second Chances" entertaining. You just...

Hard Choices

by AltheaRose on Sep 19, 2017
Lesbian Sex

"Coming over tonight?" "My ass is seriously dragging." I stopped looking at the Google research results on my laptop and turned my full attention to Jerrod's voice on my cell phone. "Rough practice?" "Yeah, coach had us running with full pads and taking a fucking thousand reps. Guess he didn't want another close fucking call like last Saturday." "Poor b...

Cotton Candy Pt. 02

by Deceptivedomain on Sep 16, 2017
Lesbian Sex

Welcome back. Thanks to all the readers and I hope you forgive me for the long delay. I promise I will try my best to work on the next parts much faster. The second part is more about how the relationship grows. If you loved the first part, I hope you also like this one as well. For the new readers, I may suggest you to read the previous part first; or i...

Eternity Ring

by MissLisaJones on Sep 13, 2017
Lesbian Sex

****Please Read This First**** Although I am posting this story in the 'Lesbian sex' category it's a love story, not a sex story and there is precious little sex in it. There's just enough, in my view, to keep it out of 'non-erotic' so, if you're looking for hot girl-on-girl action you will be sorely disappointed and I advise you to look elsewhere. So, pl...

Book 02: A Match Made Ch. 02

by AVixenLiterally on Sep 25, 2017
Lesbian Sex

"Separation Desolation- Chapter 02" Warning: Book II gets very, very dark in places. It may be disturbing to some readers. Please know that it was not done gratuitously. Please be aware that this story is plot driven and sex is not the central focus. Note 1: The title pretty much describes the tone of this story. For those who are wondering -- there is no...

Delicate Touches Pt. 03

by Shaima32 on Sep 23, 2019
Lesbian Sex

While Stella and Evie are getting to know each other better, Mei Lin makes her own discoveries when she meets an older woman, Linda after buying her first dildo. Mei Lin spends the night at Stella's with Evie and sees things she shouldn't, meanwhile Nicki is faced with a moral dilemma that threatens to turn everything upside down. NB: Author's note: I'm sor...