Lesbian Humilation Stories

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The Lady Giselle Debut Ch. 03

by Kalista on Sep 16, 2017
Lesbian Sex

The Lady Giselle made her way gingerly up the stairs - her body thoroughly aching from the abuse of her father and uncle earlier. The taste of her uncle's cum still coated her tongue and throat and the aching in her ass reminded her none too gently of her father's 'calming' therapy. Each step was a humiliation - the sopping wetness coating her inner thighs...

Society Ch. 06

by submissivewendy on May 12, 2020
Lesbian Sex

Chapter 6 - Dreamer ...and you should have seen the size of the seafood platters, I must have put on at least a stone...oh don't exaggerate Tina...and the Margeritas were at least triples...such a lovely villa we stayed in, no one else in sight...what was the name of that place where that monument thingy was Beatrice...it was so warm we slept outside by the...